
For the enjoyment of music.  Lot's of changes over the years.  I typically won't buy something unless I can listen to it in my system.   Spending a lot of time recently searching out well recorded and interesting music via hi res downloads.   I have a really nice vinyl collection mostly Jazz and pop.  Digital I'm filling out my classical titles and more modern recordings.  Jan '16

Components Toggle details

    • Rockport Technologies Altair 2
    Porche Topaz Brown Metallic
    • Robert Koda K-10
    A seriously great of the best...if you're reading me...this is that good..
    • DCS Vivaldi DAC, Transport, Clock & Upsampler
    dCS Vivaldi DAC, Trans and Clock
    • Transparent Opus Gen 5 & Magnum Opus
    replaced mm2 version
    • Transparent Audio Opus Power and Opus Power Source Gen 5
    • Transparent Opus Gen 5 Speaker Cable
    Speaker cable
    • Grand Prix Silverstone F1
    • Spiral Groove Centroid
    Uni Pivot arm
    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco
    Direct Drive Turntable s/n 40
    • Nagra Classic Amp
    Stereo amp
    • Nagra VPS/MPS and VFS
    Just added the Nagra MPS power supply. Really more sublime now...the Nagra VPS/VFS combo was already great, however the MPS lowers the noise...sound stage opens up and transparency increases
    • Grand Prix Audio Apex - Threaded footer
    very finely threaded very of Apex for minute level adjustments
    • Keith Monks Ruby
    Killer record cleaner. I've always wanted a Monks.
    • Shunyata Hydra Triton v2/Typhon/DPC-6 v2
    Sigma HC feeding Triton & Anaconda Zitron Feeding Typhon. All front end (dCS, Nagra, and TT motor controller...
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL Digital
    Clock cables for dCS (2) bnc to bnc and Dual AES trans to dac
    • Pioneer Elite DILA Projector Pro FPJ1
    Killer video projector
    • Rives Audio Room Treatment
    Custom Room treatment plan

Comments 863

Yes, on Ne Plus Ultra. The owner, Casey, is wonderful, a musician, he knows what hi fi should sound like. And he's just a great person.



Congrats on the Maxx 3's.

When I heard the Maxx 3's at CES for the first time My friend turned to me and said the same thing about them sounding more like the Alexandria's than an upgraded Maxx 2.

Sounds like you are in Austin did you get them from NE PLUS ULTRA I visit friends in Austin a few times a year and they are interesting in listing to some high end setups. Would that be a good place to take them?


System edited: Sys edit: Added a Nagra VFS under my Nagra VPS. More of everything on the VPS. Transparency, focus resolution. Nice tweek. Beat the Finite Element Cerapucs by a good amount. I do love the Cerepucs under most everything else...


Hi Gail, I think the Maxx 3's are still breaking in. It's more subtle now...but easing, more relaxing, resolution increasing. They are more than I expected/hoped for at this point. Incredible upgrade over the stellar Maxx 2's.

Today I am getting the best sound I have ever had.

Made a few changes-added a Nagra VFS under my Nagra VPS -umm wow-:) should put the wow in caps! I'll post a few pics soon on the Nagra VFS. Also swapped the Purist 20th Anv. cable to be inbetween the 51SE and (now) 75SE from where it was between the phono stage and preamp. I have one amp off to the side not on currently...not sure I need BAT 150SE's with the Maxx 3's. Now my Purist Dominus Ferrox is between the Nagra VPS and BAT VK51SE.

I'll try the BAT VK150SE's again in a few days vs the BAT 75SE. I'd like to be able to sell one amp and fund a new tonearm (Graham or TriPlanar) or a better preamp (Nagra PLL or BAT REX)

Anyway, small changes yield BIG results !! Happy New Year to all !


Thanks a million for having me over to listen to the Maxx 3's. They are incredible! Like you mentioned, a preson can tell from the first note that they are MUCH better than the Maxx II's. And that is saying a lot.

Will be interesting to see if they have any furhter improvements with more playing time. Not that any is needed...


Hi Tom, thanks so much, I hope that shiny new cd player is sounding amazing for you!

Gayle: They made a nice change after about 24 hours, then maybe another move after about 100 hours. I am guessing from here on out for several 100 more hours they will gradually ease some more. Honestly, they sounded amazing on the first note with 1 second of playing time. That very first note I knew it was something special!


The MAX 3's look awesome!
See you went with the Nagra VPS. Good to see...
Are you hearing the speakers change mcuh with more hours on them?

More importantly (for me), when are you up for company? :)


Hello John,

Just writing to congratulate and wish all the very best with the new speakers.





I am going to make it a point to listen to them. Your description is the same as I was told by 1 other person. I assume the mids are better as well. It is tough year for me as everyone. This is a year I go slow on the merrygo round.


dgad: hmm i didn't check out the specs. I did get a chance to speak with Wilson Audio and hear the maxx 2's next to the maxx 3's. They did comment they are easier to drive than the 2's. And the volume seems louder even with level matching. Wilson Audio commented that the better timing makes everything arrive at your ear more precisely giving the impression of it being louder.

They also seem much more dynamic both in sound and feel (like the couch/floor vibrating). And this is with Maxx 2's broken in vs Maxx 3's with only about 36 hours of time.

Honestly, they don't sound like the Maxx II. They sound much more like the Alexandria Series 1. Everything is so relaxed and natural. Yet full of power, impact, texture. The spatial clues, how you can sense movement (like a brush on a drum). This sense of movement is uncanny. Better height, width, depths and front to back placement. Simply more musical information coming out to my ears. And again I know my maxx 3's have a break in process to go through.

It is not a subtle change. It's a major upgrade.


dgad: I've watched yours to and I agree on the similarities. Very tough :) right now. Sold my left arm and maybe have to sell 1 amp, plus the Esoteric DV50s to pay off my credit card!

I have thought long and hard about a new arm, the Graham Phantom and Tri-Planar and where I'd go next. I've heard Albert Porter's Airtight PC1 a lot in a SME 312s arm. That might be a good choice to, move the Lyra to one of the other arms.

I use my Esoteric mostly for movies (which it's a killer platform for dvd's) and breakin. Maybe listen to cd's/sacd's 5% of the time. So something next on the vinyl front end I have to agree.


System edited: Added new pics of my room with new Wilson Maxx III's.



One of my big questions is the efficiency since it went down in rating. Curious as to your perception.



Beautiful system. I have been looking at your system direction for a while now. Some similarities to mine. A personal recommendation - although maybe a tough move now - get a 2nd cartridge/arm combination. It will be a ton of fun. Especially w. the new speakers.


Thanks Mary and Albert, both of you will have to stop by soon!

I have about 36 hours on them now. It's a major upgrade over the maxx 2's and the WP's. I know they are not broken in, but they already have that ease and naturalness the maxx 2's had, so it only get's better from here.

I'll post more thoughts as they (and I) settle down :)

I'll post some more pics later today as well...


Hi John,

Just wanted to congratulate you on your newest upgrade. Maxx III's...WOW!!!! Way to go,



Congratulations John, I hope to be able to listen with you again, maybe after you get everything broken in.


My Maxx III's got installed


Hi Gayle,

Sorry to hear about your dad.

It depends how much you want to spend re: TT. For $500-600 + cartridge I'd go with a used Linn Axis. I wish I never sold mine. Linn was nuts to stop making those tables. The used price on these seem to go up $100 every people realize how good they are. Next I'd do a Rega, even buy it new, for $1500-$2500, get the model you can afford (below $1000, just get the Linn Axis). After this, you really have to spend serious money and have a dazzling array of choices. Again, I had a Rega p25, again killer, shouldn't have sold it (Took my SME 20/2 to seriously beat it)

Classical1: yeah I hear ya. All those tubes not green friendly, but it keeps me from driving so maybe it balances out :) Thank you BTW


Ditto on the congrats John. Beautiful system you've put together. I'd think November will be a long month for you.. Also, I really like Austin, TX and BAT gear, but with that combo I'm glad I don't have your summer A/C bills :)


Congrat's on the Maxx 3 arrival date. Where did you get to hear the Maxx 2's in comparison to the 3's?

I'm sure you're very anxious to get the new speakers in and running...


Just rec'd word my Maxx 3's will arrive 1st week of Dec :) !! Also changed my 6h30 tubes from 3 yr old DR's to new sovteks. dynamics are much better, has that gutsy detailed bat house sound. The highes are a little rougher now...the dr's were nice.


I got a chance to hear the new Maxx 3 yesterday, right next to the Maxx 2. Same system. All level matched. The Maxx 3 is pretty amazing, it is not a improved Maxx 2. It's in a different class and much much closer to the Alexandria x-2 than the Maxx 2.

I am glad I have a order in for the Maxx 3.

The simplist way to decribe the differences are the Maxx 2 is awesome speaker. One of the best for reproducing recorded music. The Maxx 3 leaves you with the impression your at the live event vs listening to a recording. The Maxx 3 infuses the music with life, realism and beauty. Startling improvement.


Hi Larry, I wish I could make RMAF-but can't. Love to meet you and I have several other friends going.

Please let me know what you "hear" !


Sorry about the "Jeff" error on my part.
If you like the Maxx2's, I am assuming that you are going to love the 3's. My friend was very positive with regards to the improvement of the 3's over the 2's (he does work for Wilson so I guess we need to add an * next to his comments).
Here's hoping you agree with my friend (he does have good ears, he is one of the most respected recording engineers in the business).
Are you planning on attending the RMAF in Denver this weekend ?


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