
This is the system I have worked for 25 years to build. It is still going through changes although I'm finished for now. My room is 20x22ft and the roof slants up from 9ft to 12ft. There have been some challenges due to the fireplace and the windows but have been worked out. The real challenge has been compromises that my spouse can live with. That and the fact that stereo geeks like to change things. Am I right? My wife hates that!

Components Toggle details

    • Wells Audio Innamorata SE
    unique solid state amp that sounds like tubes but none of the drawbacks and all of the benefits of solid state and tubes. S - mod and reground scheme and shielding. This without a doubt is the best sounding amp I have ever heard by a long shot. I've heard most of them.
    • Jolida Fusion preamp
    Highly modified preamp with bybee power rails, time line, cryo'd transformer, furutech IEC, and GEC 12at7's, and bugle boy 12ax7's. Balanced input and output. Dueland caps swapped to take the place of clarity esa caps
    • Tannoy TS-10
    A pair of fully balanced 10" 300 watts/ch subwoofers with fully adjustable settings for phase, crossover point, gain, and high and low pass filters. Fast and dynamic. the foundation that good bass gives cannot be overstated.
    • VPI Industries TNT HR-X
    State of the art turntable with the 12.6 inch arm and the SDS speed control. Adjust on-the-fly VTA. New airless suspension. New main bearing and warp ring. I have modified this table and has resulted in a much better sound. I insulated the warp ring from the platter I also put an insulator on the bottom of the record weight. The result has been DRAMATIC!!!
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial 12.7
    Two arms, 12.6 and 12.7 one with original wire and 12.7 with Valhalla wire
    • Benz Micro MC Reference
    Benz Micro Ref S
    giant midrange
    • Tom Evans Audio Design Microgroove plus - X
    solid state phono stage that is absolutely silent. with loading adjustment.fantastic performance
    • Bybee integrated power charger power cord
    You won't believe the increase in resolution on front end components and amplification.
    • JPS Labs Superconductor 3 - 7 meter
    Excellent interconnect. XLR or RCA The best I've heard.
    • UltraSonic Amp stand
    Acrylic amp stand beautifully made with awesome brass and stainless steel spikes.
    • Ultrasonic Acrylic 28 X 21 X 1 platform
    Acrylic platform made for my HRX wide enough for my mono arm on the back of the table.
    • JPS Labs Superconductor 3
    The best I have used. They get out of the way of the music.
    • harmonic technology AC-11
    great sounding cord. reasonable price.
    • Black Diamond Racing cones
    Goes under source components and preamps to calm the vibrations.
    • stillpoints risers
    isolation cones
    • JPS labs superconductor Q
    I could not believe the quality of the sound. From this unassuming speaker cable.
    • audioquest power cord
    The synergy thing just makes a huge difference. How much it costs, sometimes, doesn't make a difference. This thing made a huge difference on my CDP. All my other power cords cost over $1000.00. It didn't have that effect on anything else.
    • apple Ipod classic 160gig
    fourth generation
    • Wadia I-transport
    ipod transport- enables me to play hours of any music I want,
    uninterrupted. This music is competetive to anything out there.
    • Wells Audio Milo
    Best headphone amp I've had and heard.
    • Arion Audio Pon-tuns
    Isolation devices that had an instant benefit increasing resolution and slam to my amps. A+++
    • Advanced Cable Tech ACT
    Very Good power cable at a reasonable price.sourced from wells audio
    • Electric Bamboo power conditioner
    passive device that made a HUGE difference in my system. It solved so many problems that I can't explain it here.
    • High End sourced from wells audio power strip
    a reasonably priced extremely well made power strip with filtering and phase protection . 6 filtered plugs and 4 direct plugs.
    • music hall 25.3
    beat out my cary 306 D/A capabilities. highly modified with jps wire hard soldered connections, bybee devices and power rails, nos sylvania gold pin 6922 tube
    • Mr Speakers Ether C headphones
    planar magnetic , closed back FANTASTIC sounding. the best I have ever owned!

Comments 170

The system is looking great! Got a few questions as I'm always looking to get everything out of my Tylers:

-Is 60 Watts enough to make them really sing? What about control of that powerful base?
-Was it difficult to integrate the super tweeter? How much did you pay for it?



I see the color/line coordiation between the equipment and furniture.


System edited: Spun the dice and got a seven! This is the best Amplifier I have ever heard. The increase in low level information is tremendous. The sense of depth, space, and air is beyond anything I have heard before.


System edited: picked up a ASL Fora -EX DT preamp. I love it.


I have to comply. I have never had anything but great luck with Jack's products. If I had the cash, I'd have everything he makes. Just wait till you hear what he's got coming down the pipes.


I almost hate to say it but Jack sent me a new IC about a month ago which I just found time to insert into my system yesterday. My system is all balanced so this is an XLR that runs between DAC and Pre. It replaced an Indra and after about two hours running, I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between the two already. It's made with gold conductors and is stunning. I have been using Jack's silver speaker chargers and magic bullets on my custom 10 meter pre to amp run as well as his power cords (not adapters) on all my equipment. Naysayers abound out there but I'll be darned if I can figure out what their problem is. Try this new gold stuff at your wallet's peril. I have no affiliation to anything audio other than being a typical consumer, just for the record.


System edited: Speaker cable change.


Looks like all my components have finally broken in completely. The sound is way beyond my expectations and I credit the exactpower for the immense transformation that I have experienced since adding it to my system. The change was almost instant from the moment I turned on the exact power. I added a new power cable into my system a couple of days later and had to wait for it to finish breaking in. The amazing clarity and realism has returned in spades.


System edited: Exactpower EP15A. This thing works!


System edited: MIT Z-stablizer makes a noticable improvement across the board. Using my Wergrzyn power cord to power it up. Stomach punching bottom end.


System edited: For those of you that have looked at this system, Thanks for looking. I would like to share a revelation with you that I have discovered and has completely changed the sound I experience in my system. Since the beginning of my listening experience I have had to deal with(to some degree)a ground loop noise. I have been able to deal with it through lifting the ground with cheater plugs and making sure the ground was solid. However, it was always a factor to a lesser degree. I was even receiving a mexican radio station when I used a set of single ended inputs on my amp. I received a piece of advice from a friend that owns a HI-END store to originate all my components from one plug. I eventually gave it a try and had to rethink how I ran my power cables and power strip. After some creative thinking I was able to run all of my power from a single 15a plug. the change was simply stunning. I felt like I had just spent 50,000 on a new system! And except for having to buy one more power cord the change cost me nothing. The noise floor has dropped to almost nothing. You can't even hear a hiss from the speakers. The dynamics are amazing. The sound stage is huge, no mexican radio station, no hum, and no hiss. The clarity from every component had increased and the fidelity of the entire system is what I had always hoped it would be. A larger gauge power cord at the outlet was best. I have an 8-gauge wegryzn power cord that sounds best doing the heavy lifting of handling the bulk of the current draw from the wall outlet. Happy listening


Hi Jeff,

I'm looking for replacements to my 13 year old ProAc Response 3 speakers and Tyler Acoustics line caught my eye. First thought about the Linbrook Ref II but the Taylo Ref III are an even more full range speaker.

How did you happen to choose them? Did you listen to anything else before making your decision?

Frank Winston


Hi Frank
I love my SWL 9.0. It is the best preamp that I have used. It is a bargain for the level of resolutuion it has brought to my system and with the tube output stage it has that sense of harmonic richness that I like.


Hi. Just wan´t to know if you´re happy with the SWL 9.0 ?


Thank you all for your kind words.

To Michael 647: So far the rogue sounds fantastic with the tyler speakers and just keeps getting better. I play my music pretty loud and it has no problem.

to Gammajo: I really like my northstar. I used to have a theta system and it was consistently aggravating to listen to. Th northstar has a large and very analog presentation.
the northstar never is hard to listen to. Although the sound was improved by using a different i2s cable from revelation audio labs.

To Jeff1225: I have not heard before that the tylers have taken so long to break in. They sound great now so I can expect for them to keep getting better for a long time to come.


Beautiful system, I also have the Tyler Ref III and love them. I find that they work well with tubes or SS (I have a Mac amp), and have the tightest bass for speakers under $10K. My Tylers really took 1000 hrs to sound their best, I assume the tweeter just needs a long break in time. Enjoy!


Very nice system. How do you like your Northstar Transport and DAC? When I added mine to my system, they seemed to give me some of the analogue type sweetness, excellent inner detail and a bit laid back in the bass.


Really nice setup...Please let me know how the Rogue sounds with the Tyler speakers.


System edited: I have about 160-170 hours on the speakers. They have really opened up. Thy will continue to change until the tweeters are fully broken in at about 450 - 500 hours. the imaging and transparency are becoming quite amazing and the bass is fantastic. A real bargain!


System edited: Well, I thought I was done. I read so many good things about the Tyler speakers that I couldn't resist. I just got them in my system and I can expect 400 - 500 hours of play time before they are fully broken in. So far, they are getting better fast and will soon surpass my last speakers. Sound stage is huge. Imaging is getting 3-dimensional and palpable. I have only been playing them for 2 days. So, the tweeter has some smoothing out to do.


Installed my Lyra Helicon Mono a couple of weeks ago and it has really increased the enjoyment factor for listening to mono albums. Coincidently Clasix has been reissuing many of the old Jazz greats in mono. The ones I have bought are really good. The recordings and sound are almost as good as new recordings. Kenny Burrel- 'Midnight Blue' is a must have in stereo or mono.
Happy listening


System edited: I finally picked up my new helikon mono cartridge. I immediately came home and installed it into my system. There is a tremendous difference from listening to mono albums on a stereo cartridge and a mono switch than listening to a mono cartridge.


I am waiting for my Lyra Helikon mono to arrive before I can get this new arm going.


System edited: Putting together a mono analog rig by adding the rs a-1 arm and lyra helicon mono cartridge. I got a jolida JD9 phono stage for the mono setup and liked it so much I might sell my p-75 and get another jolida.


Careful to check speaker driver screws. The screws that hold the drivers in loosened up a bit and man what a change in the sound of the speaker. After tightening up the screws they sounded like different speakers. Just like I spent another $10,000.00 on a pair of new speakers. The imaging is holographic and pinpont. The speakers disappear.


Showing 126 - 150 of 170 posts