
This is my dream system, A system that begin at 1999 with the buying of the ML 335 power amplifier. The system as evolving piece by piece, with a carefull study and listening of the equipment.

All the orientation was to buy good stuff, trying not to make constant changes, or loosing money in impulse upgrades. I begin for the expensive stuff from Mark Levinson, Revel, and now going for the sources,I like vinyl, I always like so my first choice was in turntable instead of the Cd, this is my 4º turntable. I'm still not finish, the evolution goes on, I knew I need severall things the search continues, the ASR Basis Exclusive phono stage is the ultimate buying, I espect this piece in Fev., but only arrive in April, now I installed and the burn process beguin.

In 2006, I spend a lot in audio equipment, and make severall changes, 2007 I don´t know, but the system go to improve, and I hope good things, and goods sounds!

My new house is not ready yet, I projected there a dedicated room of 38 m2 for the job. In the future I espect to mount a A/V combination stuff for my listenings and movies recreation. But now I'm looking for the analog rig and try to improve that at the best level.

Components Toggle details

    • Basis 1400 Signature Series
    Basis 1400 Signature Series , lovely turntable and very gound sound
    • Basis RB-300
    A fine tonearm.
    • Benz Micro Ebony LP
    Wonderful cartrige 0,35mV out.
    • Philips CD 850 MKII
    A earlier CD, that is a good transport, but I need to replace it.
    • ASR Audiosysteme Friedrich Schäfer Basis Exclusive 2007
    Phonostage pre-amplifier with Battery, possible connect at the same time 2 turntable, or 2 tonearms.Balanced and unbalanced connections.
    • Levinson No-380s
    Wonderful preamplifier
    • Levinson No-436
    2 x 436 monoblock, powerfull, but with finesse
    • Revel Ultima Salon
    The best speakers for me, big soundstage, big sound, nice looking
    • Audiophile Base - BASE B05 Platform
    Platform to Basis 1400 Signature series, very good and a must have.
    • Madrigal HPC
    Balance Interconnect, I use from the phono ASR Basis Exclusive to the Pre-amplifier ML 380S
    • Madrigal CZ Gel
    Very neutral IC balanced,from Preamplifier to the powers
    • YBA Crystal RCA
    IC RCA I connect the CD player to pre-amplifier ML 380S
    • Tara Labs RSC Prime Bi-ware
    Speaker cable
    • Zoethecus ZBlock 1 Reference
    Amplifiers stands, nice, and a big improve to the sound to the sound.Precious
    • G&P stand with 3 shelves
    90 kgs of pure wood, very nice, beautiful, well built,stable, first class stand, 1,30Large x 62High x 49Deep
    • Precision Audio Cable elevators+
    Ceramic cable elevators, nice tweak to support the cable, I use in power cable, IC, and speaker cables
    • Perfect Sound Discs
    Discs under the Spider from Finite Element, and the Zoethecus ZBlock 1
    • SolidTech Isoclear
    Isolation foots adjustable, with springs, I use under the Neuance Platform, and under the CD player.

Comments 42

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Jacob, perfect!

good luck with you room room project was a great experience.

we will all look forward to the photos.


Jacob, after reading about your system and then a few of the questions you are posting about improving your vinyl setup i thought you might like some feedback regarding your room set-up.

you have very nice equipment that is capable of sounding wonderul...which i'm confident that it does. your room looks great and very classy; however the flat wall behind your speakers and gear has got to be holding back the performance of your system in a few different ways.

that flat reflective surface will cause an excessive brightness to your high frequencies. the first reflections will 'blur' imaging, detail and texture. soundstage depth and layering will be greatly reduced. if the ceiling in the front of your room is also flat this surface will have similar but less severe effects.

the great thing is that things sound very good now; and impoving your room acoustics is just a big (relatively cheap) opportunity for additional performance and musical satisfaction. you can spend lots of money on new sexy gear but face performance limitations from your room that can be fairly easily solved.

my recommendation would be to experiment initially with a few different things on the wall to see cause and effect. then you can find a tasteful solution that will compliment the current classy look.

then all your gear upgrades will yield more musical enjoyment.

good luck. i hope i have not offended you with my unsolicited suggestions.
