
Primarily a vinyl system with some CD capability (no streaming, no server, not never).
The ratio of (Value Of Vinyl Collection) divided by (Value of HiFi) is still > 5, so my values are still balanced towards the music, not the gear.
I have some wonderfully weird, rare, obscure and amazing vinyl - and I love it. CD's sound pretty good too through this rig, but I am getting an Audio Note L4 player soon (because it sounds more like vinyl).
I frequently get asked "why no streaming, why no server?" (usually followed by "surely it's so much more convenient?"). While these are well meaning, such statements are muddle-headed.  In these fast-paced days (to which I am ill-suited) we all seem so hell-bent on sacrificing quality at the altar of "convenience". I happen to enjoy the ritual of (a) locating a record, (b) taking it out the sleeve, (c) cleaning it, (d) putting it on the deck, (e) carefully putting the needle in the groove and [finally] (f) enjoying it. [then getting off my big fat arse and turning the record over].
As I see it, the artist [usually] took great care in making the best record possible and then laboring intensely to create beautiful cover art (sometimes stunningly good).
Here's proof: go to and see the full-sized, first UK pressing, fully-opened cover art of "Warrior On The Edge Of Time" by Hawkwind, or "Space Hymns" by Ramases (in a huge and jaw-dropping 6-panel poster sleeve).
Thus, playing a record is like a mini-compact between myself and the artist. They (usually) respect the record buyer and I try to respect their effort in return. Files and streaming breaks this compact so I refuse such "convenience" on moral grounds (this is aside from the fact that most digital sounds harsh and clinical).

Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 7’

Components Toggle details

    • Raidho Acoustics D4.1
    • Linn Sondek LP12 + Lingo + Valhalla + BooPlinth
    The BooPlinth made a huge difference and tightened up all tempo and timing tremendously.
    • Thales Simplicity II tonearm
    Who'd have thought it? This arm mated with a BooPlinth'd Linn and Lyra is simply a stunning combination and quite simply "a giant killer". Probably need to spend $45000 to get anywhere close to this speed and transparency and separation. The Thales blew away my old SME V, sad to say.
    • Lyra Etna SL
    • Rega RP6
    • Moon by Sim audio Neo CD Transport
    • Moon by Sim audio Phono step-up
    • Aavik Acoustics U-300 integrated amp
    • Ansuz Acoustics D-TC speaker cable
    • Ansuz D-TC power box
    • Ansuz Mainz8 (D-level)
    • Ansuz D-level power cables and interconnects
    • Ansuz Darkz D-TC (various)
    • Wilson Benesch Torus
    • NAD Tuner
    • HiFi Racks Custom rack
    • VPI Industries H-16.5 Record Cleaning Machine

Comments 10

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Dear daveyf, when you say "You've got it wrong" .... you are correct: but at my age this is sort-of normal. It was ages ago :-)
Yes, I do have LINGO (100% sure) and (by process of elimination) I must have Nirvana (this was the first ever upgrade) .... but these silly names get all confusing. Both were done ages ago. But the BooPlinth took this dear old shoe box to a new level. I recommend it very highly. This and Thales allow my little Lyra to sing it's little heart out. What a great combo ... if I say so myself!


Lingo & Valhalla. At the time (like 25-30 years ago) Valhalla was not a power supply upgrade exactly but a sub-chassis thing (I think). Then the Lingo followed and that changed the power button and added the power supply. I MAY be wrong (it was an age ago) but Valhalla upgrade was the first one I did and when I got it back it had NOT changed the power supply. That's what I remember at least.


That JD album is a bootleg on Ozit-Morpheus Records from UK, mainly interviews. Check here:    you can get a copy for $15


Yes, Lingo + Vahalla. The Linn LP12 is over 25 years old. It doesn't have Cirkus but doesn't need it with the BooPlinth, which was the best possible upgrade I could have ever done to the deck. Thales was a breeze (if you have a really good technician on hand). I feel Thales + Boo is a truly superb match, timing and coherence is outstanding. I would pitch it against a Kronos any day, seriously. Only the Thales deck may prove competitive.
