
I had not updated this system for 9 full years, and for a very good reason - there have been no changes! Yes, this is some sort of record for me. This is the best system I've owned in over 50 years of listening.

Room Details

Dimensions: 32’ × 15’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Sota Cosmos Mk IV
    The further refinement of the great III series. I love it. The beautiful Macassar Ebony finish is icing on the cake.
    • Triplanar VII Ultimate
    Superb arm, easily adjustable.
    • Ortofon A90
    The best cartridge I've had in my system, without the slightest doubt. Patience is required for setup, but it's well worth the time.
    • Zesto Andros
    Absolute analog bliss
    • Zesto Leto
    Tube line stage
    • Music Vault Diamond
    Music server outputting 24/192 resolution.
    • Antelope Audio Gold w/ Voltikus
    I don't how to describe this except to say that this, combined with the Music Vault server, produces the best digital sound I've ever heard, bar none.
    • Sanders 10c/e
    Hybrid transmission line and electrostatic, with active crossover. I now am describing this as a 10c/e because I switched to the newer dbx crossover. It makes a significant difference. I also asked Roger Sanders about swapping in the 10e’s aluminum cone woofers. He stated that this change was largely because owners were blowing the poly cones out by over driving them. He also implied that, from a sound perspective, the older drivers might be preferable (he’s still using them in his personal system). Given all that, I’m keeping the poly drivers.
    • Sanders Magtech
    An extraordinary bargain in efficient, high-power amplification. It sounds great (fully the equal of my former Ayre MX-Rs)
    • JW Audio Reference
    Comparatively inexpensive balanced interconnects that are as good as anything I've ever heard. A true bargain in high end audio.
    • WyWires Silver XLR
    Outstanding cables at a semi-reasonable price.
    • Straightwire Virtuoso
    Used for bass in biamp sysytem. Outstanding low and midbass definition.
    • Stereovox LSP-600C
    These are the ones that convinced me of the huge difference well-designed and engineered cables can make. Used for electrostatic panels in biamp setup.
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier
    AC regenerator, non current limiting. Provides a dark black background. I love it.
    • Mapleshade Samson 2
    Great isolation, great looks.

Comments 44

What wires were you using before the JW audio reference and how do they compare?


System edited: Have returned to the Triplanar camp after a long stint with the Graham. In my setup, the Triplanar is the better arm.


Yes we need pics =8^D


Thanks for the comments, gentlemen. Glory, I fully intend to hold on to them. Jperry, photos will be forthcoming. The system has been in such flux that I haven't bothered. Room is quite large at 32' x 15' x 9' (avg...ceiling is vaulted).


Great system. Do you have any pictures of the room and setup?


Sanders gear is one of the best sounds I have ever heard. Why some sell out amazes me. Hold on to it!


System edited: Added revised cabling for biamped Sanders 10c.


Quite a few changes made. The Sanders 10c is absolutely sublime, and does exactly what I need it to do - provide superb timbral fidelity within a near perfect soundstage at virtually any volume you can withstand. The small sweet spot is a non-issue. Magtechs are driving both the bass and the 'stats.

Zesto Andros and Leto - if any electronics of this cost can be described as a 'bargain', these would be it. They are as good as I've ever heard, anytime, anywhere.


System edited: The VAC Ph Beta 110i is gone. I miss the wonderful aesthetics and have given up a trifle of midrange color, but there's no question in my mind that, given my personal needs and biases, this is the better solution. There is more extension on both ends, and dynamics are significantly improved. Photos to follow.


Thanks very much. I'm about as happy as I can be with the system as it stands.


Between the VAC integrated and the SOTA table, you have a timeless setup. Very nice.



Hope the sub has worked out well for you. It's a fine piece of gear.



Hi Mike,

Through coincidence, I just purchased a single Genesis G 928 sub. It arrives tomorrow. I imagine I'll be doing 928 shuffle for a while, until I get it located properly.

I'm glad you were able to keep the VAC, that one would be a hard one to part with.

Best Regards,


Hi Dan,

You're right, you can't beat VAC. It took some doing, but I managed to keep the Phi Beta 110i in addition to moving up to the Perspectives. Could not be happier. Best listening!



You have made some excellent choices in revamping your system. Joseph Pulsars, VAC integrated, and arm cartridges to die for.

I recently sent my old VAC PA 35.35 to the factory for an upgrade, Kevin and company did a heck of a job on it. It's hard to beat VAC.

I see you are going up the line in Joseph speakers, and switching to Modwright. I think you'll be happy with the Modwright integrated, I have their stand-alone phono stage, it's quite good.

Best regards, enjoy,


I'm glad you like them. Great speakers.

I have heard some very good things about the AMR. Thanks for the tip. Best listening!


I don't mean to intrude but one good turn deserves another. I have your Pulsars, thanks. Stunning. If you have a chance you should audition the AMR DP-777 you might find it to your liking. I used to own the Berkeley.


Well, I certainly can't solicit a sale in this forum. Write me at emptysea56 at yahoo.


Would love to buy your phi beta!


A few changes are in progress. I like the Joseph Pulsars so much that I am trading up to the new Perspectives. The downside? I've been ordered by my better half to put no more money into the system, so sadly the VAC Phi Beta 110i will be up for sale soon. It will be replaced by the excellent Modwright LS 100 (w/ phono) and an amp to be named.


System edited: Updated system photos.


I realized that I had not written anything about my most recent updates. I needed a crossover between the Pulsars and the Genesis/Underwood subs. After a trial, I've ended up with the Lyngdorf RP-1, which provides both a highly flexible digital crossover and RoomPerfect. The latter is a true revelation. Finally, I've acquired an Innersound ESL-300 to drive the subs, with a substantial improvement in sound over the built-in Class D amps.


System edited: After hearing the Joseph Audio Pulsars and finding a superb match in the form of Walter Lieberman's subs, I made the very difficult decision to sell the Planetarium Betas. The Pulsars engae me in a way that no speaker has for many years.


System edited: Added the outstanding Esoteric phono cable.


System edited: Have switched to a Graham Phantom II (slightly positive change over the Triplanar) and an Ortofon A90 (major improvement over the Shilabe).


Showing 1 - 25 of 44 posts