
For the enjoyment of music.  Lot's of changes over the years.  I typically won't buy something unless I can listen to it in my system.   Spending a lot of time recently searching out well recorded and interesting music via hi res downloads.   I have a really nice vinyl collection mostly Jazz and pop.  Digital I'm filling out my classical titles and more modern recordings.  Jan '16

Components Toggle details

    • Rockport Technologies Altair 2
    Porche Topaz Brown Metallic
    • Robert Koda K-10
    A seriously great of the best...if you're reading me...this is that good..
    • DCS Vivaldi DAC, Transport, Clock & Upsampler
    dCS Vivaldi DAC, Trans and Clock
    • Transparent Opus Gen 5 & Magnum Opus
    replaced mm2 version
    • Transparent Audio Opus Power and Opus Power Source Gen 5
    • Transparent Opus Gen 5 Speaker Cable
    Speaker cable
    • Grand Prix Silverstone F1
    • Spiral Groove Centroid
    Uni Pivot arm
    • Grand Prix Audio Monaco
    Direct Drive Turntable s/n 40
    • Nagra Classic Amp
    Stereo amp
    • Nagra VPS/MPS and VFS
    Just added the Nagra MPS power supply. Really more sublime now...the Nagra VPS/VFS combo was already great, however the MPS lowers the noise...sound stage opens up and transparency increases
    • Grand Prix Audio Apex - Threaded footer
    very finely threaded very of Apex for minute level adjustments
    • Keith Monks Ruby
    Killer record cleaner. I've always wanted a Monks.
    • Shunyata Hydra Triton v2/Typhon/DPC-6 v2
    Sigma HC feeding Triton & Anaconda Zitron Feeding Typhon. All front end (dCS, Nagra, and TT motor controller...
    • Transparent Audio Reference XL Digital
    Clock cables for dCS (2) bnc to bnc and Dual AES trans to dac
    • Pioneer Elite DILA Projector Pro FPJ1
    Killer video projector
    • Rives Audio Room Treatment
    Custom Room treatment plan

Comments 863

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John, Congratulations on the new arm. I can't tell from the photo. How are VTA, azimuth and anti skating adjusted? And do you adjust VTA/SRA for different LPs?

I really like the low slung counterweight allowing the weight to be extremely close to the pivot point. I have manipulated the VTF on my SME V-12 to do the same by using a combination of dynamic and static VTF and the right number of extra weights to balance the cartridge. The SME counterweight sled is within a few mm of being as far forward (toward the pivot/bearing) as possible without obstructing movement.

The Centroid weight design is very clever, IMO.


Thanks John. I'm sure Gen 5 is very nice. I have to find ways to justify the cost. Your system (and room) has undergone quite a few changes in the past couple of years. It all sounds very rewarding. It must sound great.


John, how does it sound different? Congratulations.


Spirit, did anyone ever consider digital "a mere imitation of SOTA analog"? I don't understand what you mean. Sorry, I guess I'm dense. I agree though that digital seems to have improved lately, but I still think they sound quite different.


I wonder if the differences are in the area of noise, detail extraction and ease/flow or naturalness. I've only heard a few analog systems rival the ultra low noise of digital. But I've also only heard a few digital systems approach the liquid naturalness of great analog. Resolution can be great with both as can dynamics.

I respect the advantages each format has, but I always return to the comfort of analog. I'm sure it is nothing more than my personal/subjective bias or preference, and the cost and effort involved with starting a digital collection from scratch.

I would also humbly suggest that moving up a tier in analog with a different table and some isolation will improve things on that front. I am fairly certain your arm and cartridge are at the top level, though I have not heard the combination.

It would be very interesting to take the Vivaldi stack over to Albert's or Babybear's system to compare with their analog, or conversely, listen to one of their turntables in your system. It intrigues me that I think all three of your tables are Direct Drive - GP Monoco, Technics SP10 III, and Dobins The Beat.

Don't hold back on providing more details about the sound. Very curious.


That's pretty interesting Jfrech. I don't know what the Vivaldi stack retails for, but how does that price compare to your analog cost?

How did the sound change after adding the Clock? Was that the missing sound that held digital back relative to you analog? Finally, even if you now don't have a preference, could you describe the strengths and weakness of each?

Sorry for all of the questions, but this is quite an observation. Of course there are many people who prefer digital for a variety of reasons.

Congratulations on the improvements.


Jfrech, with all of this talk about Transparent cables being upgraded, do you know if they upgrade the cables in Wilson and Rockport speakers when new models are introduced? There is almost no discussion about what level of TA cables are actually in these speakers.

Lloyd's question about the jumpers has me wondering if he upgrades the jumpers will they be better than the internal wiring? And if so, will the signal just degrade once it is back inside the speaker?


Sorry John. I read Thesaint519's post of 8/07 to you in which he writes "...but almost done." I mistakingly thought you wrote that and I was just jokingly trying to convey that anyone who thinks that he is "almost done" in this hobby is engaged in wishful thinking. But I suppose it is possible.


John, I think you know that is wishful thinking.


John, want to stop by on your next trip to Boston and hear my 30/12 again? Precision and natural sound are it's hallmarks.


John, I'm surprised that the timing with the Vivaldi dad is even better than the timing of your direct drive turntable. That is very interesting. Why do you think that is?


Does this get you to 100% Opus? Whoa. Pretty darn nice. You've had quite a year or two with the room, the speakers, the pre, the DAC and now the cables. Must sound fantastic. Congratulations John. I know you are enjoying the music.


Wow, you guys are playing in the stratosphere. Perhaps you should contact Project X space flight or Virgin Atlantic spacecraft and make the trip to across the pond in an hour or so.

Congratulations John. Now all you need is an SME. Have you seen that sweet 20/3 with the Titan i for sale? There is also a 30/12 belonging to Rgurney available. (You know you are thinking about it, and Lloyd is from that part of the world where such masterpieces are conceived)


John, Like Albert, I was skeptical about VTA adjustments on a long arm like the SME V-12. But now that I've tried it and demonstrated it to some friends, I can not go back. It takes 20 seconds or so, but I just mark each LP and the improvement is really worth it to me. Now I know nothing about your LT arm and fully understand others not wanting to deal with the slight hassle of making adjustments for each LP.

Between your new speakers, arm and now cables you should be in listening nirvana. Oh, and I forgot the changes to your room a while back. I'm with Sarcher30 - got to find a way to get to Texas some day.


Congratulations John on the new Opus cables. Improvements at that level can be very meaningful and add greatly to one's appreciation of the music. With the sonic gains and significant pricing, it really can be like upgrading a component. I hope to someday hear the differences with these cables in a familiar system. Happy New Year.


Jfrech, What kind of battery supply are you borrowing? What are the details? Is it a unit into which you can just plug in the power cord from you phono and bypass AC from the wall?

I'm curious because I don't know anything about battery supplies. Thanks.


Hi John I'm on vacation so it's a little difficult to respond. Ack is a member of this forum and he just bought the Pass labs XP25 and loves it. He heard my XONO and values the same stuff that you and I do about music reproduction. I think he too is on vacation so it may take him a while to get back to you.


Hello John you may want to contact Ack about his new photo stage.


John, Thanks for your visit to Boston to hear the SME 30/12 and V-12 arm. I think the V-12 with your Atlas will sound great in your system and be a good step on your way to considering the big SME table.

Happy listening to your new Rockports.


John, while you were placing the speakers, did you also adjust the location of your listening seat?

I found during the one time that I had my system voiced by a professional, that my listening seat location changed a bit more than my actual speaker location did. The speakers moved 3-4" forward and a couple of inches toward each other while my sofa moved back 7". This was primarily to address bass node issues. I was quite surprised with the results.

Have you also moved your racks to a side wall? I can't remember if that was also on the agenda.


Love the photo John and you sound really pleased with the initial sound. Congratulations again. I think moving the rack should help sonically and aesthetically.

If you think your getting great bass from your new Rockports, I can tell you a massive table like the SME 30/12 help further in that direction. Check out the photos and my comments on the SME thread over on Whatsbestforum.

Keep updating us as the speakers improve. You must be having a lot of fun.


John, What do you think of the Atlas? Was it in your system?


John, you've got real troubles choosing a speaker in this sphere. What a treat to actually visit the factory. I'm only a few hours away and would have been happy to demonstrate my big SME for you.

I'm curios about the piano/cello disc you mentioned. What is it and was it analog or digital? One of my favorites is Braham's 2 sonatas for Piano and Cello with Starker on Mercury. I took that to a Magico dealer demo and heard this familiar LP in a whole new light. It's what got me hooked on my current speakers. I can relate to your experience. Next to trying the speakers in your own system, hearing them in a well set up demo with your own music is pretty good.


You must share some photos. Congratulations. I envy all of you who can have a dedicated room.


That's a nice looking rack. Did you compare it to the HRS or any other top end racks before you bought it? I'm curious because one rarely reads or hears comparisons between racks. Your system must really sound good these days. Congratulations.


It's interesting that that hum from the amps' transformers traveled through the uprights supporting the top shelf and then through the shelf and up into the turntable. Then the TT allows that to go through the platter to the cartridge? That FE rack must be very rigid with little isolation. Does that seem right or am I missing something?

My Pass amps have a hum from the transformer too, but they are far removed from my rack. I never really gave that a thought.


It's always great to hear a drop in the noise floor. Why do you think that happened when you moved the amps? What are they on now? The system must sound great. Congratulations.


Hi John, no new cartridge just yet. I will be going to RMAF and hope to hear cartridges, the Reed and Talea arms and maybe some tables. Arm wires to the phono and internal wires are also considerations. All in good time. Right now I'm cleaning my father's collection of classical records and learning about music and looking at the BSO fall schedule. The upgrades after my recent Loricraft, speaker and amp changes have me wanting to save some money and just enjoy the music. Easy to do these days.


Hi John,

Congratulations on the Monks machine. It looks awesome. I love the color. I have a Loricraft PRC-4 and I agree with your assessment about these versus the VPI 16.5. I had one and the noise drove me crazy. I too compared the improvement to a new cartridge and can't believe the difference a great cleaning machine makes. It's a bit like a more transparent preamp too, IMO.

I use the AIVS 4-step solutions so I can't be sure my results are from the machine, fluids or both, but I'm thrilled. What fluids do you use, and how long does it take per side? I also demag each side and then insert the cleaned LPs into a new MOFI inner sleeve and new 5mil outer sleeve.


Thanks Jfrech.
I appreciate the desriptions. The impact/dynamics that you like with the Monaco/TriPlanar are precisely what I find missing in my system. Perhaps that is your new front end, but I'm sure the MAXX 3 and new amps contribut plenty. My system has most of the rest of what you describe - plenty of detail, presence and it is very quiet, but it lacks those explosive transients. I too love the build quality, and sense of body and richness of the SME. Of course, my new PC-1 added a lot of detail and presence.

I would love the adjustability of the TriPlanar VII arm. Perhaps someday...Love reading about your system.


Those changes must sound incredible. I'm most interested in your impressions of the Monaco/TriPlanar versus the SME 20/, though all of the changes you have made in the last year seem pretty dramatic. How would you describe the change in sound of your front end? Congratulations.
