
UPDATE (12/23/07): added the MBL 5011 preamp. After living with my Esoteric front end for almost 3 months without a pre, I came to the realization that a pre was definitely needed. Without a pre, the sound was a bit thin and lacking bass. The 5011 addressed these issues and so much more. I did not realize how poor my soundstaging was until I introduced the 5011. This pre does in incredible job of layering the soundstage as well as separating each individual instrument.

UPDATE (12/07/07): added the Ayre MX-R amps. These were broken in by my dealer for 2 weeks before I took delivery. I rarely am taken back by gear but I was startled at how much real these amps sounded to me than my previous amps. There is more detail, more immediacy of notes, very good separation of instruments, and a very nice holographic presentation. I can go on and on but by far these amps are the most realistic sounding I have come across. They are just so enjoyable to listen to!

UPDATE (9/29/07): added Esoteric P-03 transport and D-05 DAC. The D-05 has the latest 32 bit DAC from AKM. Even only after a few hours I hear much better separation between instruments and notes, better sustain and decay, and more authoritative bass. More updates to follow.

UPDATE (8/03/07): added the Oyaide R1 outlet for my amps. Everything is a bit livelier with much better detail. I am hearing so many little nuances I have never heard before!

UPDATE (7/24/07): added the Oyaide SWO-GX Ultimo outlet to my front end. What a difference! The bass now goes lower and there is more detail across the board. I will adding another outlet for my amps next. This is by far one of the best tweaks I have ever done.

UPDATE (7/13/07): I finally got around to adding some heavy silk drapes and they made a world of difference. Everything is much smoother. I will continue to look for ways to judiciously treat my room without making it look like a recording studio.


-The sound is just incredible. Vocals are holographic and textured.

-The MBL 5011 preamp is beautiful to look at. Luckily the sound is just as good.

-The Ayre MX-R amps are just gorgeous to look at. The casework is outstanding. And as my wife said, "they are so cute"!


-The Usher BE-10 speakers are big and thick producing a powerful yet delicate sound.

-The Esoteric P-03 transport is incredibly heavy (75lb) and big but it sure sounds good.

My system has undergone A LOT of changes over the last few years. This has been mainly to me figuring out my own listening preferences and understanding what I wanted to get out of my system. After swapping out a lot of components and spending too much money, I have finally settled down a bit.

I listen to all kinds of music but tend to favor anything with female vocals, particularly acoustic folk and vocal jazz. I also favor simple orchestration and basic instrumentation with a preference for acoustic guitar and piano. The less number of instruments between me and the vocals the better. I mainly go to listen to music in small, intimate venues where I am able to sit within a few feet of the band.

Given my musical tastes, I wanted to put together a system that is able to reproduce the sound as organically as possible. I want to hear every little detail like the quiver in a singer's voice, the sound of the guitar pick striking the string, the feeling of the hammer hitting the piano string. To me, these tiny nuances help to make the music sound as real (i.e. organic) as possible. To this end, I wanted a system that was detailed, dynamic, fast, and immediate with just a hint of warmth. I did not want anything that was too syrupy sounding though. My current system gives me everything I am looking for. It is as close to hearing musicians in my room that I have ever heard with any previous iteration of my system.

Components Toggle details

    • Esoteric P-03 Transport
    I love the Esoteric sound so much I had to get their P-03 transport.
    • Esoteric D-05
    Anniversary model with new AKM 32 bit DAC
    • Esoteric VRDS-Neo
    This transport is a work of art! By far, the best, most accurate transport available. The amount of detail it extracts is amazing!
    • Sonos ZP-80
    Wireless digital music system. Digital output is sent to Esoteric D-05 DAC, a huge improvement over internal DAC. I enjoy my music so much more now that I have instant access to my 40K song library
    • MBL 5011
    A very musical preamp with outstanding soundstaging and separation of each instrument.
    • Ayre Acoustics MX-R
    I am so happy with these amps. They make everything sound so real it is startling! The transparency and dynamics suit my preferences perfectly!
    • Usher BE-10
    Very dynamic and neutral sounding speaker. I am sold on beryllium!
    • Tara Labs The One
    Very transparent and "tight" sounding cable that also offers weight and solidity. These give me all the virtues I admired in my previous speaker cable, the Nordost Blue Heaven while providing what it was missing.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II
    Used between my source and preamp. Great detail without sounding bright or edgy.
    • Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II
    Used between my preamp and amp. Very smooth sounding.
    • Acoustic Zen MC2 XLR
    AES/EBU digital cable from Esoteric P-03 transport to D-05 DAC.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Byte
    Used to synch the word clock from the Esoteric D-05 DAC to the P-03 transport.
    • Acoustic Zen MC2 RCA
    Digital cable from Sonos ZP-80 wireless digital music system to Esoteric D-05 DAC.
    • Virtual Dynamics Nite 3
    Being used to power by MBL 5011 preamp. Like all VD power cables I immediately noticed more dynamics, speed, and authority. The soundstage with the VD power cables are incredible!
    • Star Sound Technology SP-4 Sistrum Stand
    Great amp stand that helped to add smoothness to my system.
    • Oyaide SWO-GX Ultimo
    Double cryo'd outlet with 24K gold plating - used for cdp and preamp
    • Oyaide R1
    Cryo'd ac outlet with Beryllium/copper and palladium plating - used for amps
    • HiFi Tuning Fuse
    I added this "audiophile" fuse to my MBL 5011 preamp. I am not sure it made any difference but it was cheap and lord knows I have spent much more money on things that actually made my system sound worse! My previous preamp, Classe CP-700 did respond positively to these fuses though. I still may try some in my other components.

Comments 270

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audphile, I was looking at the Pass integrated as well as the Simaudio but I am really trying to avoid the trap of spending too much money on my new system. I find that I spend too much money my expectations rise (as it should). However, it is the expectations that start turn me back into an audiophile. By keeping the price low I will not be too worried about absolute performance and thus be able to simply enjoy the music.


Right now, I have the SF Cremona Auditors. I really wanted to get monitors that I could plug in and just enjoy and the Auditors definitely meet this requirement. Though they do not have the dynamics, transparency, speed, or presence of my Ushers, I am happy with them. They do not image better than my big Ushers though. I guess everyone was right about monitors. I am now a believer. I think unless you have a big room and listen at loud levels, monitors are the way to go. They truly do a great job of disappearing. I must say the sound is pretty darn good being driven by my Sonos. With the weight of being an audiophile lifted, I feel that I am really enjoying music again!!!!


Audphile, my system currently consists of a monitor connected directly to my Sonos music server. No preamp, no amp, no interconnects. I cant imagine it getting any simpler. I am going to add an integrated amp which should complete my system, though I could easily live with my current setup for a while. When the economy and my investment accounts stop its freefall I will probably look to add some subs.


System edited: My system has been completely dismantled. I found myself too focused on being an audiophile and not focused enough on just enjoying the music. I am going to re-assemble a much simpler system that will allow me to just listen to music and not worry if its imaging correctly or if the soundstage is deep enough. More to come....


lapierre, have you listened to the Cremona M? Are you interested in the Cremona or Cremona Auditor? Why are you moving away from your Dali's?

I will check out the Zu, though I have heard not so flattering remarks about their unnatural sound. I will listen and decide for myself.

One speaker I am VERY interested in listening to is the YG Kipod Main Module. Supposedly it is incredibly neutral and detailed, qualities I like.


Henry, I checked out the EA mini speakers on the website. They look intriguing. I am going to have to audition them soon. Thank you for the headsup!!!!


Hi Jean!! I do love my speakers and am in no hurry to get rid of them but I really do feel they are going to have problems in my small room. I also wont be listening to them at very loud levels. It looks like a got a lot of speakers to audition...I am not really looking forward to it. I would rather just enjoy the music.


aahh... HEM is still one of my favorites. They are heavy rotation at my house along with Eva Cassidy and Cowboy Junkies.

Thanks again for the feedback. My speaker search continues...going to have to take a long hard look at YG...supposedly they are very neutral and detailed.


Thank you for the input. My previous impressions definitely agree with your opinion. I was hoping the new M series would make it sound a bit more like my Ushers. Have you had a chance to listen to them? I suppose since you have your dream speakers there is no need to listen to anymore speakers...but after all we are audiophiles which means we never stop searching for audio nirvana!


skernes, the room is about 16x22 ft with vaulted ceilings. The BE-10 has no problem in this room.


Henry! Power filtering or conditioning is next on my list. A few of my friends swear by the Furman products. In the past, I have used PS Audio and Hydra 8 but did not hear any improvement. Perhaps I am lucky because my home is fairly new so I am getting good, clean power?

Interesting thing, before the VD power cords, I did not think power cords made that much of a difference. I guess like everything else in this hobby, the right component in the right system makes all the difference.

I may be Belgium sooner rather than later. My customer there is having an emergency with our instrument so I think I need to go over there and smooth things out. I would be honored if I could have the opportunity to listen to your wonderful system and perhaps share a nice cognac or merlot.


System edited: Added the Virtual Dynamics Nite 3 power cable to my system. After having heard what the Power 3 can do, I am planning on adding all VD power cables in the near future, most likely either the Master 3 or Master LE 2. For me, the VD power cables provide everything I am looking for: speed, dynamics, authority, and an incredible soundstage.


System edited: Added Tara Labs The One speaker cables. I am very happy. They replaced my previous favorite, the Nordost Blue Heaven. the Tara Labs are very transparent and crisp while also have good, deep, controlled midbass and bass. This weight and solidity was what made the Blue Heavens sound a bit too lean for my tastes. Too bad I had to spend so much more in order to get this improvement! But I know how this hobby goes...a lot more money for a little improvement, though I believe it is the small nuances and details that are critical to making reproduced music sound more real and natural. I am now thinking about getting a second set to bi-wire. I am not sure if I will hear any difference but Ayre recommends bi-wiring in this manner. I will be looking to try the Tara Labs The One or The 0.8 interconnects as soon as my finances recover a bit.


Hey Joey...gotta love this hobby! My system has not stopped changing in over 2 years!!! There is just too many cool things to try out. Perhaps single handedly I can try and keep this country from recession!

As for power cables, I am pretty sure I am set on Virtual Dynamics. I just got a Nite 3 in my system and I like it a lot.


Thank you for the kind words sburton and Jean.

sburton, the Merlins must be a nice match with the Cary amps. I have always thought the Cary sound was very nice, rich, and romantic.

Jean, I guess part of the fun is upgrading but believe it or not (I have said this several times now), I think my upgrading is slowing down a bit. What amps are you looking at to buy?


Thanks Henry. Yes my den is very small. Can I move into your dressing room? I promise not to play my music too loud. Maybe I should just get rid of all my gear and get headphones indeed! My brother is very much a headphone person. As for the MM2, those will take up the entire space in my little room. There will no room left for me!

I will be in Mechelen sometime in April I believe. I would love to visit and drool over your magnificent system.


LOL!!! Thats exactly what I need, someone else egging me on!!! :) Seriously, I am thinking about the Alto and Miles but both of these are also pretty pricey. I am going to have to really sit and think about this next system is looking more and more likely that I am going into my small den which is only 9x11. In a room that small perhaps I should just get some headphones and be done with it! Great, yet another option to consider....


Henry, your rack would look and sound good in ANY system!

As for the a replacement for the BE-10, I am not sure yet. I only started to think about this. Since I dont listen at loud volumes, I wonder if large speakers would be ok in a small room?

Peter, it makes me happy to know my ridiculous obsession serves as entertainment to someone. My wife definitely does not find it amusing at all! I know I am a total upgrade freak! I cant leave well enough alone! But in this case, I totally blame my kids! I am being kindly asked to move out of the living room since we want to get a baby grand piano for our oldest. Given how much I love music, I cant say no to that request! I agree that the Magico Mini's would be awesome! But boy do those cost some serious money!!!! I am not sure if I can justify that even to myself!!!!!! But we will see...I remember a time not too long ago when I was saying I could never spend more than $3k on a cdp.


Stan, thank you for the kind words. Its been fun getting up to this point and trading emails with you.


Marc, good to hear from you. I would really like to go crazy and look at some super high end speakers but I just cant imagine spending crazy money on speakers. If I did, I would like to listen to the Hansen, Marten Coltranes, etc. Ideally I would look for a smaller, full range speaker that does not sound small. For now, my humble Ushers will have to suffice.


Thanks Mike! Good to hear from you again. Assuming you still have the Ushers, our systems are becoming more and more alike. I would love to hear your impressions of the 5011.

I have tried HiFi Tuning fuses in the past with good results. What value does the MBL 5011 need? It looks like 20mm/0.75" fuse at 630mA. Do you know if I should get slow or fast blow?

Happy Holidays Mike!!


System edited: I think my system is ALMOST finally complete. I recently added the MBL 5011 preamp and the Ayre MX-R amps. These two pieces are much better suited to my tastes. My system has reached a level of detail, articulation, dynamics, and realism that I have not been able to achieve before. It is still a bit too early to make a complete evaluation of the MBL 5011 but so far it sounds fantastic! Happy Holidays!!!


Chris, thanks for the kind words and for bringing over ALL those cables!!!! It really is much more fun having a friend over and getting their opinion. Sometimes when you listen to your own system for too long, its hard to hear areas where it is weak. On the flipside, it is also easy to forget the things it does well. Your input definitely helped to re-orientate me. You are right, it was interesting to discover the different things we seem to value in our system. I have always enjoyed attending acoustic sets in small venues where I am in the first couple of rows. Because of this, I prefer systems that are detailed, delicate, and organic with great attack and dynamics. That being said, I see your point about soundstage width and bass. We agree that my soundstage height needs some serious help. The width part...I am not sure what I can do about this given my modest room.

You helped to make something I hate doing (auditioning cables) a lot more enjoyable. I really appreciate it. Not to mention, just shooting the breeze was a cool thing to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon. I look forward to coming over to hour beautiful home again and oggling your new TT (no you will not talk me into it).

Dev, thanks for the detailed input, all good points. I was actually thinking about getting the sistrum 101 for my speakers. I currently have the sp4 under my amps. I am not sure if it does anything but they sure look cool and do not take up too much space which is important in my small space/living room.


Apo...too funny! Thanks for making me laugh.

Father Xmas better bring some new car keys for me!!!!


Henry, LOL...considering how happy I am with the pieces I have assembled, I do believe my upgrades will slow down a bit. The only big question mark is the preamp. I should be getting my 5011 pre next week. Given how impressed I am with the Ayre amps, I do have one eye looking out for the new Ayre KX-R pre coming out next year. Honestly Henry, I am not sure how the MX-R does in terms of "midrange/top end...extended and smooth at the top, do you have top definition of the soundstage, depth, width and height". I have never been very good at analyzing gear and how it makes music sound. Perhaps I just do not have the vocabularly or skills. I tend to look at the bigger picture. The only criteria I have is whether music sounds good to me. I dont really know why the MX-R sounds so good to me but it does. Everything sounds more realistic, quicker, more detailed. I am very rarely taken back by anything I hear from audio gear but the Ayre startled me with how organic and real it made my music sound. Perhaps the amps I had before was total rubbish (I doubt it), but to my ears, the MX-R is really outstanding.

Aside from the pre, I will be focusing on cables next.

As for vinyl, I am purposely keeping away. I just dont want to go down that path even though I know how good it can sound. Knowing me, I would easily spend insane amounts of money on a tt, arm, cartridge, rack, cable, records...I am actually trying to slow things down a bit and enjoy what I have. Not to mention I have my eye on that M6 in the near future.

It would be worth it to sit in traffic in order to have the opportunity to visit with you and listen to your wonderful system! We currently have about 6 of our employees in Mechelen right now installing a large piece of equipment. I will be heading there sometime after the new year.

Take care, keep in touch, and happy holidays to your family!

Kind regards,


Chris LOL!!!! U are probably right...I need to stay away from you. You are bringing the dark side of the force from two directions...MBL and vinyl. You are not good for my wallet! Looking forward to seeing you next week.


Hi Dev. You are such a stud! Those 101e's are stunning. I am going to have to look up those amps. As for cables I am in the process of trying to figure things out. I am also going to do true biwire, as recommended by Ayre. The Stealth stuff is great but really pricey but I guess if you are playing around with a limited production amp, expensive cables are probably not that big of a deal!

You are right about the pre. I am waiting for my new MBL 5011 pre. What pre are you using? Why not the MBL 6010d?


System edited: Just added the Ayre MX-R amps to my system. Without getting into too much detail, all I can say is that my system has never come as close to reaching my goals as it does now. The music is so real sounding its startling! I am VERY happy!


Thank you for the kind words Ray. I will check out those cds you mentioned. You may want to give HEM a try. Their singer is incredible!


hmmmm...if I sell all my audio gear that M6 wouldnt cost that much more. I think I can get the wifey to agree to that!


Henry, I too have been on the autobahn...going VERY fast...even though Ferraris and Lamborghinis were still passing us in our "modest" BMW. A family vehicle is also in out future though I will not give up the dream. The M6 looks simply outstanding.


Hi Gerry. Thank you for the kind words. I have in fact replaced my Pass amps with the MX-R. I am also waiting delivery of the MBL 5011 preamp. Even though the sound of the Esoteric is great direct to the amps, I prefer the fuller sound I get when gong through a pre. Both the Ayre and MBL will arrive tomorrow. Needless to say I am pretty excited, especially since my system has been down for almost 2 weeks now and my wife's pink IPOD is not really satisfying my musical desires.

BTW, are you a BMW M5 fan (based on your username)? Both my wife and I owned M3s. We are now looking to get the new M6! What an incredible vehicle!

Thanks again for the kind words. Your system, not only the way it must sound but the way it looks in your room, is spectacular. I wish I had a bigger room but alas housing prices in California keeps me confined to my modest little home.


Vsfang, have you gotten your system repaired? Is it still making a loud noise when spinning? Mine definitely makes noise as well but I can only hear it from about 12" away. I am not sure about the SACD being louder since I never noticed but I will check it out tonight.


I finally got around to running my Sonos digital music system through the Esoteric D-05 DAC. I am completely amazed! I knew the DAC in the Sonos was probably low quality but I did not realize how much better the music sounds going through the Esoteric! Songs that I know very well actually sound different, like a new version. Things I noticed was much more detail. I am hearing little nuances in the vocals and instruments that makes the song completely different. There is also a naturalness to the music now, whereas before, I knew I was listening to compressed digital music. The Esoteric DAC has made it that much more enjoyable for me to listen to my massive 10K cd library!

As an aside, the logical question is whether or not my Sonos + Esoteric DAC sounds as good as my Esoteric P-03+D-05 transport and DAC. Well that is an unfair question because I rip my music to mp3, VBR 256 using EAC so it would not be right to compare compressed music vs a cdp. That being said, the sound quality out of my Sonos is very good! I would say it is 90% of the Esoteric separates. I wonder if I encoded in a lossless format whether it would sound as good as the Esoteric cdp??? Gotta try that next. Even if it does sound as good I will always have a cdp because I like the convenience of listening to music as soon as I get a cd.


Hi Hic. There are several reasons why I chose the combo I did. I picked the P-03 over the P-05 because it has a better transport. In my opinion, the transport is critical in terms of being able to retrieve all the available data on cd. Interestingly, the P-03 upsamples while the D-03 does not. I would have thought the upsampling would occur in the DAC. In preferred upsampling in the DAC because I also have a digital music source (Sonos) which I wanted to send through the DAC. The D-05 allowed me to do this and upsampling, while the D-03 would not have. I also wanted to try the new AKM 32 bit DAC found in the D-05. Finally, the price difference between the D-05 and D-03 made it worth my while. If you do not have the same needs as I me, I would go for the P-03 and D-03 if you can afford it or the P-03 and D-05.

As for outlets, I am going the audition the Oyaide RTP-4 and the Acoustic Revive. I am a big fan of Oyaide so I am hoping the RTP is better than my cheapo Staples power strip I am currently using. For amps, I go directly into the wall. I found this to be the best.


Both the P-03 transport and D-05 DAC have upsampling capabilities, up to 176. I played around with upsampling only in the P-03, only in the D-05, and upsampling in both (for example upsampling to 88.2 in the P-03 then upsampling to 176 in the D-05). I found upsampling only in the P-03 to sound smoother, richer, and more analog like. In contrast, upsampling in the D-05 sounded more jagged and digital. Mind you, the differences between the two was made more obvious only by direct comparison. In isolation, both units sound incredible.

I wonder what a clock would do??? When my bank account recovers a bit, I am going to have to investigate this....


thanks for the kind words glenhifi


Henry, I would not say the D-05 is more up to date. It does use the latest AKM 32 bit DAC and has upsampling capability. The D-03 does not. Strangely, the P-03 can upsample. I found it odd that the transport would do the upsampling. I would have expected this feature to be in the DAC. Anyway, now I am comparing if it sounds better to upsample in the DAC or transport.

To be totally honest about the EMM, I wanted to try the new one box player but a few of my friends have had little quality issues with EMM. Besides, I have always been a huge fan of Esoteric and the P-03/D-03 was my dream cdp but I could never justify spending that much. But when the D-05 became avaialable with the newer DAC at a lower price I jumped on it. I have always felt the transport is more critical than the DAC (assuming good quality DACS are used).

As for stopping by your home, I would have loved to but I dont think you would have appreciated me bringing my boss with me. We would have talked about business all night. But after a few drinks who knows that would happened! I would have really enjoyed sharing your cognac and listening to your incredible system. I can only imagine what it would be like to hear your vinyl on a cold evening after a few drinks...I have to make the effort to visit you once you settle back in Europe....


Apo, sounds like a great time! Where exactly do you live in Calif? I have lived here my entire life and do not recall being familiar with where you live. As for my personal favorite libations, I tend to favor Merlots, Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Cognac, or any cheap beer ice cold!

As for dragging the Esoteric I am afraid I wont be able to do that. The transport along weighs 75lbs! However, I would be happy to tell a whole bunch of lies about its performance!


Apo, I forgot to answer your question about the Esoteric VRDS transport. To me, the most important part of a cdp is the transport. As you can see by the picture in my setup, the VRDS is a massive component with lots of rigidity and precision. Other transports look like toys next to it. I believe a few other high end manufacturers OEM a less robust version of the VRDS.

I have owned a few good cdps in my life (Cary, Musical Fidelity) and nothing comes close to the Esoteric's ability to resolve low level detail and nuance. Some people think this level of detail could be clinical. I think the opposite. It is precisely the ability to hear all of the little imperfections and details that make the music seem more organic and "live".


Hi Apo! Thank you very much for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

The Pass XA amps are very good sounding and suits my musical tastes. I listen to a lot of female vocals (jass/pop/folk/acoustic/chamber music) which does not put a lot of demands on an amp is terms of requiring incredible dynamics and headroom for explosive passages. My musical preferences requires finesse and the ability to resolve low level and ambient details. I also prefer a sound that is organic, instead of being too slick or digital. In these regards, the XA does a very good job. The one area that it may not be as good as others is attack. There is a slight politeness to leading edges of notes but given what it does well, I am willing trade this.

Right now, I am not using a pre between my D-05 and amp. I think though that it needs one. Without a pre the sound is clear and transparent though just a tad lean and slightly bright. Another issue is the volume control of the D-05. The steps between each volume setting is too large. Since I listen at relatively low volumes (70db), I must have great low volume adjustability. This alone is making me consider getting a preamp.

As for cables, I am honestly beginning to think about auditioning more cables. I originally selected AX because I know they offer great value for the money. I am not necessarily disappointed with their performance. At the time, I did not do an exhaustive analysis of the competitors. Now that I have more resolving gear, I will look at this aspect of my system again. That being said, I am not a believer in super expensive cables. Yes, I do believe cables make a difference but only up to a certain price point.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my humble system.


Hi Dev! Thanks for stopping by. I am definitely looking at adding the clock, the G03x to be exact which is supposed to be accurate to 0.01ppm. I thought about getting the rhobidium one but I cant justify spending that kind of money on a clock. Plus I am not convinced that it makes much of a difference than the lesser G03x. Though I am open to differing opinions. I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Once my wallet stops smoking I will add the clock, probably sometime after the new year. Long term I will look into vertically biamping to see if I can reach the nirvana!

Please keep me updated when you get your speakers. Those MBLs are quite amazing!


My P-03/D-05 combo has over 100 hours breakin now and I am happy to report my ears do not hurt anymore! I am not quite sure what changed during the breakin because I always thought the units sounded great. All I know is that I can now listen for hours to glorious music without my ear hurting anymore!

I have been told that the Esoteric needs around 300 hours breakin. Though I have never been a believer that drastic changes occur after the first 100 hours, I am looking forward to any more improvements that can be had from what is already a great cdp.

Even though I do think the sound is great, I am going back to a preamp in my system. Its hard to explain but I just think the music sounds better with a good quality preamp in the chain. The me the sound is fuller with more weight. There are also the user functions found in a good preamp that I miss as well (better volume control, output triggers, multiple outputs, etc).

All in all, I am feeling pretty good about my humble little system. Thanks for reading.


Rich, yes I did get more info. I am considering it.

I also got the Isotek though I have not used it yet. I will let you know after I run it.

BTW, I am amazed you have kept your pre and amp for 10 yrs! That is like dog years in the audiophile world! Congrats with avoiding the upgrade silliness (unlike me!)


audphile, you are my hero!!! I love going to live shows!!!! But kids and work and wifey makes it hard for me to go as much as I would like! We also like to go the theater a lot too but its gets so expensive (especially since I blow all my money on audio gear)!

Thanks for the tip on the Dartz. To be honest, I do not want to spend that kind of money on a preamp. To my ears, preamps do not really sound any better beyond the $10K mark. I am hoping to pay a lot less than that.

Have fun and know I am totally jealous!


Thanks Peter. I also find that hearing all the detail, (i.e imperfections of a singer's voice and the other instruments) also adds greatly to my sense of realism and organicness (is that a word?). This is where my system shines right now mainly because of the Esoteric and Usher speakers.

You are right, the Ref 3 is a very good preamp. Its midrange was magical! But I also missed the dynamics of solid state. I am hoping to find a solid state pre that has some of the Ref 3's midrange magic while also having the dynamics.


Thanks Henry. Actually we do a lot of business in Europe. I am managing director of our German (GmbH) subsidiary. Where will you be moving to?

I would like nothing more than to visit you and listen to your incredible system. By the time you settle in, I should be able to give you a good idea of how the Esoteric sounds, though I doubt nothing can compare to the vinyl setup you have!!!

Wishing you and your family (and your audio gear) a safe journey back to Europe.

Please let me know when you are settled.


dpac good points. The thing is I dont always listen to low levels. Sometimes I crank it up so if I was to go with a low power system I would not have this option. So I guess having the extra power is useful for me every once in a while.

Joey, I am beginning to agree with you....


Thanks Guys! I am not too troubled right now. I know the Esoteric is a great cdp. I loved my X-03se. My feeling is that it is a combination of break in and the lack of a preamp. The thing is, I do not listen at very loud volumes at all, maybe around 70db. Anyway, more fun to come as things settle in...


More thoughts on the P-03/D-05 breakin:

As some of you know I have been trying the use the Esoteric combo without a preamp since the D-05 DAC has a built in volume control. Earlier, I have my impressions of the functionality of this volume control (mediocre). For this post I wanted to give a brief description of what I am hearing from this combo after almost 75 hours.

The sound continues to sound more organic, dare I say analog like? Initially, the system sounded as if it had some sort of slick sheen on it. Everything sounded too glossy. I am happy to say things are sounding more organic, more real. Of course, detail retrieval is incredible and is probably the Esoteric's best quality. But it does so without sounding clinical or cold. There is an imperfect quality to it. I know that sounds completely contradictory but what I think is happening is the Esoteric is picking up all the smallest details and nuances in the music, including the imperfections of the voice and instruments. This gives the sound an incredible sense or reality.

Now for the bad news. For some reason, my ears hurt after listening to the Esoteric. It doesn't sound overly bright to me at all. Perhaps there is some high frequency harshness that I am hearing that is causing this. The last time I had this sensation was when I had some speakers that were overly bright. I wonder if this has to do with me running the Esoteric without a preamp. Without a preamp the sound is a bit thin and lacking a bit of body. The bass is also lacking.

Anyway, more impressions to follow as things settle in a bit more.


Thanks Rich. Not much info on the SL website. Do you know where I can download specs, brochures, etc?


Rich, i placed the order for the isotek last week. I will let you know how it goes. You are the second person to recommend the Symphonic Line. I just checked out their website and it looks pretty dated. Can you provide a link?

Zephyr, thank you always for the input. Power delivery is definitely on my list of things to take care of.


Thanks Dpac. As Zephyr said, I sure learned a bit more than I knew previously, especially with regard to the differential volume control.

Zephyr, yes the Classe is back on my short list. It is tremendously well built with great user features. My one and only complaint about it when I had it was that it was a bit too polite. Dont get me wrong, the sound was smooth and midrange seductive (I like this) but overall I thought perhaps it had more of a laid back personality, as if I was missing some leading edges and dynamics. Perhaps I did not let my unit fully burn in or perhaps I did not have the right interconnects. Anyway, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have on this aspect of the CP-700's performance.


Thank you Dpac996. I totally agree with you about the volume control of my D5. Now I need to try and quantify how much better the sound is with a great pre vs using the D5 only.


dpac, thanks for the tip. BTW, can you please explain the tradeoffs associated with variable output sources? Will there be issues if I use preamp and fix the output?


Hey Joey. The Ref 3 is already sold!!! :)

One thing for sure, the D5 volume control does not suit me. However, it would seem like a monumental waste for me to buy an expensive preamp just to have good attenuation range and low level adjustibility. You are right, I am going to try the Promitheus TVC passive pre. I know I can alwasy go back to the SS pre I had before if all else fails.

I need to let the Esoteric break in a bit more to see if the sound changes over time to the point where a preamp is not necessary (in terms of sound quality).


More thoughts on the Esoteric P3D5 combo. I am going to focus this post on the volume control of the D5.

- the D5 does not have as much attenuation range as I would like. The first volume setting after mute is still pretty loud. Since I rarely listen above 75 db, low volume control is critical for me.

- the D5 volume control steps are too large. The first few steps are 6.5 (whatever that means) then after a bit it changes to 1.5

- there is considerable hiss through my tweeters with the D5 connected straight to my amps. I did not hear this much hiss with any of my previous preamps.

Overall, the jury is still out whether or not the D5 sounds better through a preamp or straight to the amp. However, form a usability point of view, the D5 volume control does not meet my particular needs. Am I willing to live with these issues? Perhaps if the sound is good enough that I can convince myself I do not need a preamp. I would like nothing more than to not have to spend a decent chunk of money on a preamp.


VX700...thanks for the input. My musical taste varies and spans my earliest memory of listening to the radio when I was about 5. I have been collecting music for some time and I purchase 20-30 cds a month. Needless to say my cd collection is approaching 10,000. I like everything from The Smiths to Ella Fitzgerald, to Vivaldi to Stan Getz to Astrud Gilberto to Bobby Womack to Eminem. I tend to go in phases and try to immerse myself into a particular genre and learn as much as I can about its history and beginnings.

Overall, I would say I enjoy anything with female vocals. My favorites right now are:
Eva Cassidy
Katie Melua

How about yourself?


Audphile, I am using the D5's volume control to see if I can get away without a preamp. We will see. The verdict is still out until the system totally breaks in. If I do need a preamp I will probably go back to solid state...


YVx700 you way too kind. I really cannot get over how nice your room looks and must sound. All that MAC gear must be sweet and musical sounding. I have thought about adding the JL Audio subs. In my crazy car audio days, I used to run twin 12" JL audio subs in an sealed box...needless to say my little Acura rocked! Any issues with the JL's? Are they easy to dial in?


After living with the Esoteric P3D5 combo for almost a week, here are my thoughts as compared to my previous X-03SE cdp

- the sound is much bigger. The soundstage envelops the listener. It sounds like the stage fills up the front portion of my listening room, top to bottom and front to back.

- the sound is more natural and organic sounding. I am not sure if this is due to the 32 bit DAC or not but vocals sound more real to me, as if I am hearing someone singing in my room without a microphone.

- much better separation of notes and instruments. Perhaps because the soundstage has grown, instruments seem to have better separation.

- my speakers disappear more so than they ever had. Again, I think this is due to the larger soundstage. I hear less music directly from my speaker.

I only have about 50 hours on this system so far. I can only imagine what things will sound like after it thoroughly breaks in. Needless to say, I am very happy with the Esoteric P3D5. I have reached the end of the road in terms of digital playback for the foreseeable future (lol...the audiophile's favorite saying).

I will report back as I notice more differences.


Ok hard feelings...lets move on to discussing and having fun with our crazy hobby!


Hey! I love the spice girls! That why I spent so much money on my I can get their cds to sounds as good as possible!!! OK, just kidding. RAS422 eloquently put into words what I was trying to say. Thank you....


got it audphile. What I meant when I say "live" is at big open air concert. To me those situations sound horrible. I prefer smaller, intimate settings like a small jazz venue or bar. In these settings I find music to sound more warm, dense, and cohesive. I hope this is clear but I probably lack the right vocabulary to explain myself.

By the way, you are always welcomed! Nothing wrong with someone calling me out for not making any sense. My wife does it daily!


audphile1, I do not take any offense to your comments at all. I think the problem is in the way I phrased my sentence. I guess what I mean to say is that I want to hear everything that is generated from an instrument (sax, voice, etc). That means all of the imperfections and nuances. Perhaps I should have stayed with an instrument I know, guitar. With a guitar, you can actually hear and almost feel the pick hitting the string, or with a piano, you can sense the hammer hitting the string. I hope this makes sense...if not I guess I am just crazy!


Calgarian, thanks for the kind words. I took at your system and it very nice as well! As for my amp upgrade, I went from Rotel RB 1080, to Parasound A21, to Pass XA160. Part of my upgrade was due to my own increasing understanding of what kind of sound I was after and how I felt a system should be put together. So after too much money and swapping out, I have come to this philosophy:
1. The source and speakers are the most important parts of a system as to my ears, they have the biggest impact on sound. A source must be able to retrieve all of the information from the medium (disk, Lp, etc) because one it is lost, there is no way to get it back. Along the same lines, speakers have to be able to accurately reproduce whatever signal it is fed. Again, if a speaker rolls of a signal or adds some bloom or some other coloration, it is difficult to either retrieve or get rid of the issue.
2. With a solid foundation for the source and speakers, preamps and amps can be chosen to give you whatever sound you are after.

That being said, I have finally figured out that I am after an organic sound, not necessarily live sound because I think live music sounds horrible. By organic I mean the music has to sound like its real, including all of the imperfections and tiny nuances (like being able to hear the guitar pick actually hitting the string or a saxophone reed vibrating). With this is mind, I tended to favor preamps and amps that a bit of warmth to it, which led me to the Pass amps.

In terms of improvement with each upgrade, I also believe that after a certain price point, the improvements are small. There are mainly differences, not necessarily improvements. But some things I heard were better control, better dynamics, better note sustain and decay, less distortion.

I too do not listen to my music loud (70 db) so low level detail is important to me, which is why I favored an amp with a fair amount of pure Class A power. At low levels, quality of the power is much more important than quantity. I developed a spreadsheet that allowed me to calculate the max amp power I would need given speaker sensitivity, distance away from the speaker, and listening level. This showed me that I needed less than 10W. This takes into account a 12db peak at any time above my nominal listening level of 70db.

Will the XA100s be a significant upgrade from your YBA? I do not know because this depends on how sensitive your ears are. I would focus on quality of power and the ability of the amp to deliver more current when it needs it.

I apologize for how long this became...I didnt realize I had that much to say. Feel free to send me an email if you want to discuss further.


Your story makes me feel better. It can be an endless viscous cycle cant it?? But its sooo fun!

As for the break in cd, I have never heard of it. Can you please enlighten me and let me know where to buy it? How long before your X-03se was fully broken in?


Thanks Rich. My previous player was the X-03se. It is a fantastic player! I honestly thought I was done upgrading after I listened to it. But then I wanted to get a separate DAC for my digital music source. Of course this led to too much mental gyrations and now I have the P3D5 combo!

I love the Oyaides. I will be getting the Oyaide power strip soon as well. As for kids in college, mine are too young so I figure I better get my toys now before they get older.


Thanks Joey and great to hear from you. I think I am moving in the right direction. The longer I am involved in this hobby the better I understand my philosophy regarding building a system. For me, I think the source and speakers are most important. The preamp and amps are important but I think they have less of an impact on the sound than the source and speakers. For me then, it makes the most sense to spend most of my money and time on these components and try to pick good pre and amps. A lot of people may disagree but to my ears (perhaps they are made of wood), I do not hear as much of a difference between different good pres and amps. After a certain level, the sound is more alike than different. Anyway, just my humble little take on putting together a system that suits my ears.

So Joey, you get that TT yet????


Audphile, then I guess I shouldnt tell you that I am using a cheapie Staples/Office Depot power strip???? Man I got a long way to go...champagne taste on a wine cooler budget!


audphile...that hurts!!!!! that best buy rack has served me well for the past 2 years...actually I am looking to buy the Symposium rack...


System edited: I am such an Esoteric homer!!! I loved my X-03SE so much that I had to upgrade to the P-03/D-05 transport/DAC combo. The D-05 has the latest 32 bit DAC as well as integrated volume control. More thoughts to follow once the system breaks in.


Dgad, at this level, it really is about splitting hairs. The BAT, ARC, and VTL are all great preamps. I auditioned the BAT 52se in my system when it first came out after CES. The unit I demo'd was brand new and not broken in at all. What I heard was a tube pre and that sounded very much like a good SS pre. The lower end was great with a lot of dynamics and speed. At the time I was trying to get away from the SS sound. I wanted something more organic as I listen to a lot of acoustic and female vocals (pop, jazz, opera, etc). Though the Ref 3 can not touch the BAT in terms of dynamics, I personally thought it had more "Soul" to its sound, more emotion. This was what ultimately made me go with the Ref 3. For me, midrange magic is most important. As for the VTL, I have not had the pleasure of hearing it.


Dgad, the Einstein is a GREAT preamp!!! I have yet to hear a preamp sound so lively, realistic, and full. It remains my reference preamp. I felt the BAT 52se had a great bottom end but was a bit dark and lacked the dynamics I wanted. The ARC came closest to the Einstein. I was able to get a very good price on my Ref 3 so it was no a brainer. If money was no object, I would have purchased the Einstein without hesitation. Please let me know if you want more details about my evaluation of the Einstein, ARC, and BAT.


audhpile1, what can I say, I am a nut!


Chris, thank you very much for the kind words. You are right, it is a fine line between "better" and different. I am not sure if I am ready to spend the money required to get the ultimate. I guess will have to settle for pretty good (for now)...thanks again.


Dpac996, I wish I could take your advice but since that room is also our living room, the wifey would not really appreciate me doing that. As it is, the front fact of the speakers are about 2.5ft from the back wall. I hope one day to have a dedicated listening room but until then its all about compromises....thanks again.


Peter, thank you for the kind words. My wife and I had a good time decorating that room. Right now, my system sounds very good to me. There is so much detail and nuance with just a touch of warmth and realism. I look forward to listening every day. As for vinyl, you are not the first to recommend me go down that path. Yes, I totally agree that the vinyl setups I have heard in friend's systems do indeed sound marvelous. My only concern is the overheard involved with vimyl. Even though I love collecting music (I buy 20-30 cds a month), I am a lazy listener. I just want to put in a cd and press play. That being said, even my wife says I should get into vinyl. Once I get my digital setup sorted out I will most likely move on to vinyl. All I have left to do with my system is cables. After this I will be asking around for good entry level vinyl gear. If you dont mind I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks again for the kind words.

By the way, have you had any luck with power cords for your XA amps?


Thanks Joey...those lawn chairs had to finally go! I figure it was time to get rid of my college "furniture" and get grown up decor. Though I am not sure of the new chairs are more comfortable than my old trust lawn least they look better (I think.....)


System edited: Added the Oyaide R1 ac outlet for my amps. Like my addition of the SWO-GX outlet for my cdp and preamp, this tweak has again raised the level of my system. This has brought a liveliness and crispness to the music while also adding much more detail. I am hearing so many little nuances within the fabric of the music that I have never heard before. Without a doubt, the addition of the Oyaide outlets has vastly improved my system. The only complaint I have is that I do not have anywhere else to add more Oyaide outlets. Even though these outlets cost approx $100 each, compared to the rest of my gear, the cost is trivial especially given the improvement. The only other change that has had this dramatic an effect on my system was when I changed cdp and when I treated my room with heavy curtains. Needless to say I highly recommend these outlets.


Thanks Ozzy...its great listening with the lights turned out with a light ocean breeze coming through rustling the curtain sheers...a very surreal and pleasant experience.


System edited: Added new pix of listening room.


System edited: Added the Oyaide SWO-GX gold plated outlet to my front end. I really didn't know what to expect so I went into it without any pre-conceived notions about improvement. After only a short listen, I noticed considerably fuller bass that reached lower than before. I started to hear bass notes that I never noticed before. For example at about the 2min mark of "The Water is Wide" from her American Tune album, there are two very distinct high notes played by the guitar. What I noticed with the GX outlet was two low bass notes that is present simultaneously with the high notes. I have probably listened to that song and album at least 75 times over the last years since I purchased it so I thought I new it inside and out. I got this same kind of result with other songs on that album. Another benefit of the Oyaide outlet was improved detail across the board and a slightly more organic representation of female voices. Overall, I am very happy with the addition to my system. I will added either the new R1 or XXX outlets next for my amps.


Douglas, thank you for the response. I would want nothing more than to have a dedicated listening room however, living in Southern Calif, we do not have basements, nor do we mere mortals have very large homes with large extra rooms. Most of my audiophile buddies have to share a room (living room, family room, etc).

After really thinking about it, I think my best bet is to move everything to the upcoming loft. At least this area will be fairly large (at least 15' x 20') with one wall open to the downstairs. I may not be able to listen at the volumes I am used to but its better than the alternative.

Thanks again for the input! BTW, VERY nice system and room! I am jealous!


System edited: After months of trying I finally figured out the best speaker position. My speakers now have very little toe in. The inside front corner is around 1.5 inches further back than the outside front corner. The result has been amazing! The soundstage is much wider. The instruments now have room to breath and differentiate themselves. The sensation of depth has also dramatically improved. Now I can actually hear the drum behind the singers. Finally, voices are more holographic than I have ever heard in my system. My speakers now disappear. I cant believe that I did not spend more time playing around with the toe in. Needless to say I am very happy and this upgrade did not cost me anything!!


peterayer, I am using the Sistrum SP-1 platforms. I like them because they do not take up anymore footprint than the amps (which are already pretty darn big). In terms of sound, it is difficult to say but I "think" I noticed a slightly smoother sound. My primary reason for getting the Sistrum was not sound improvement. Even if it did not improve the sound I think they were worth it especially considering the price of other amp stands I was looking at. Please let me know me if you have any other questions.


zephyr, thanks for the kind words. Yes, I will be upgrading my X-03se soon (as soon as I am able to sell it) to the P3 D3 separates. I am very excited about this. Once I do this, I will have no reason to upgrade my digital front end again.

By the way, your system is incredible! Very unique residence as well!


Thanks Joey and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Let me know what you think of that chair...I may have to retire my fold up recliner.

Stay tuned...I am planning one last BIG upgrade to my digital front end.


Pete, I have considered vinyl but decided against it. I have way too many cds (almost 10K) not to mention I am lazy. My wife already hates the fact that my cds take up so much space. Perhaps one day when I can get my own listening room and I am satisfied with my system I will dabble in vinyl.

I would say you should upgrade your cartridge and phono preamp in order to give you the sound you are after. The Pass pre is very true to whatever sound it is fed.


Joey, the SLP-05 is a great preamp! In the end, I chose the Ref 3 because I preferred the slightly less tubey sound. Cary has a distinctive house sound which I actually wanted to get away from, having changed my cdp from the Cary 306 SACD to the Esoteric X-03SE. I think the Ref 3 and Cary are pretty similar in terms of texture and vocal weight with the Ref 3 sounding just a bit less syrupy to me. I think in your system with the ML's the Cary would be great! Let me know if you want more details.

Sol322, great ideas!!! I like the idea of a hammock. Now how do I convince my wife? Who cares! Thank you for the nice words.


Pete, thanks for the response. Before I decided on the Ref 3 I auditioned a bunch of tube preamps. I did not consider SS preamps because I already had what I consider to be a very good one, the Classe CP-700. While the Classe had a some great features and sounded extremely smooth, I thought it was too smooth and lacked some texture and emotion. After listening to my friends all tube setup I knew that I wanted to add a tube preamp to my system. I auditioned the BAT VK-52se, Einstein The Tube (awesome!), Carl SLP-05, and a few others.

Before I bought my Classe I did audition the Pass X.02 which was very nice. The sound was very clear and uncolored but its user interface, large volume steps, and the overall sound was not to my liking. I guess I like the tube sound while also having the control, speed, and dynamics of SS.

I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else Ic can do to help.


Thanks for the update Teajay. I am going to have to check out those cables. As for speaker cables I am embarrassed to say I have Nordost Blue Heavens...i know i know. I have been trying out a bunch of stuff from the cable company. I still want to try out the new Synergistic Research Tesla line. Whatever I pick I intend on upgrading my speaker cables soon.


Thanks Shadorne...I really appreciate the compliment! Now if I can only make it sound as good as it looks :)


thanks joey...I will look into it.


lol!!! mitch4t have you been conspiring with my wife?? She would want nothing more than for me to get rid of that green folding chair. So you have given me 6 months...that means I got 5 months and 29 days to continue annoying my wife.


No worries Joey! Let me know about the TTs....

As for my chair, its some fancy looking armless chair my wife purchased as part of our living room set. It looks cool but is not very good for really sinking in and enjoying music. When I really want to relax I actually bring in my collapsable folding know the kind you can bring camping that has a builtin foot rest and beverage holder in the arms? I think we got it at REI or some kind of outdoor store. Ghetto I know...the best part is my wife hates it when I "forget" to put it away after my listening sessions. :)


Sorry Mitch! Didnt mean to offend. Yes I do think the ARC Ref 3 is pretty nasty looking but the sound is beyond reproach. You dont need to pay to hear my modest system, how about a beer instead! If you are ever in the Orange County area let me know....


System edited: updated pictures


System edited: updated pictures


System edited: I recently changed my cdp to the Estoteric X-03SE and the ARC Ref 3 preamp. I have never been so satisfied with the sound.


Hey Dev...thanks for the nice words. I plan on adding the Sistrums to my speakers but just have not got around to it yet. I am busy upgrading my cdp and preamp. It is definitely on my short list of things to do.

As for the Sistrums and my amps. I "think" I heard an improvement in terms of smoothness. I am not sure. Even Starsound says that the biggest gains to be had are under the speakers. It the very least, they are great amp stands...very sturdy and not too bulky.

Would you mind letting me know how the stands work for your speakers?


Ghasley, I sent you an email.


dollar, funny i actually had the BW 802d with classe and i found the bass to be a bit loose, boomy, and uncontrolled. You are right about the sound. Highs have never sounded more real to me. Mids are uncolored, clear, neutral, and fast. Bass is tight. I look forward to checking out your virtual system.


dollar, nice system. So what do you think of your be-10s? What other speakers did you consider before settling on the Ushers? It would be great if you set up a virtual system so we can check out your system.


mitch4t: thank you for the kinds words.

I use my Sonos to listen to internet radio and Rhapsody. Considering the bitrate is usually 128kbps, I think the sound is pretty good, definitely good enough for my purposes. I have the sonos connected to my Cary DAC which helps to improve the sound since the internal DAC of the Sonos is merely decent. Mind you, I do not listen critically when streaming internet radio or Rhapsody. That being said, I am very happy with this setup. Not quite CD quality but very good. Let me know if you have any other questions.



I prefer the sound through the Cary vs the Sonos. Note that encode at VBR256 since I have so many songs (40k). If I use the digital out of the Sonos into the Cary DAC, then the sound is VERY good and very close to the original cd. I can imagine if I was to use a lossless format like FLAC that the sound would be on par with the original cd.

That being said, the Sonos DAC is not too bad. Even at VBR256, the sound is 90% there. What's missing are the microdynamics, soundstaging, and a bit of air. This compromise is worth it to me since I now have instant access to my large music library. For critical listening I keep a stash of cds handy and use the Cary.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks for the kind words Ken. It was actually your system your comments about your Ushers that first got me intrigued about the Ushers in the first place. So indirectly you are partially responsible for my decision to get the BE-10.


Thanks does sound nice but the experience is not yet there. I am still trying to sort out my soundstaging and imaging issues.


Thanks for the kind words audphile1!!! I am still using the AA cables. I have decided not to change for a while or at least until after I first upgrade my power and get some vibration control.

And YES I can enjoy the music but the NEVER stop thinking about upgrading...thats part of the fun right? :)


Luis, I will be happy to keep anyone who is interested the status of the system as it evolves.

Semi, I can 100% recommend the Usher BE-10 and BE-20. I heard both before deciding on the BE-10. As my system is only 2 channel I felt that I did not need the extra woofer. Also, the BE-20 is a monster in terms of size. Sound wise, they both sounded very similar except for a slightly fuller sound coming from the BE-20, especially in the bass region. Have you listened to the Ushers yet? Let me know if there is anything I can do help. Good luck.


Semi, I used to own the BW 802d and before that had the BW 804s and 805s. I just heard/read good things about Usher so I decided to give them a listening to. Luckily I have a local dealer who is fantastic so I was able to listen to them extensively. I found the sound to be much more to my liking (as compared to the BW). The price was also very hard to beat given its performance. Before deciding on the Ushers, I listend to Wilsons, Audio Physic, Sonus Faber, Vienna Acoustics, Acoustic Zen, MBL, Martin Logans, JM FocalLabs. In the end, I loved the Usher's dynamic and uncolored presentation. The beryllium tweeter gave by far the most realistic sound. The build quality is ridiculous! And I must admit I like having something that not a lot of people have. All the speakers I mentioned are fantastic but I found it hard to beat the performance/price combination of the Ushers. I could go into detail about what I liked/did not like about each speaker but in general, the overall sound of the Ushers suited me the best.


Hi Brian. Thanks for the compliment. Before buying the Cp-700 I auditioned a whole bunch of preamps. Some that came to mind are Airtight, MAC, Primare, BAT, Simaudio, CJ, Cary, and Pass. I found that once you get into a certain stratoshpere of equipment, they all sound good. The clincher for me was not only the sound of the CP-700 but its feature set. I really wanted to get a pre that was smooth sounding to match with the dynamic and uncolored nature of the Usher speakers. Another important feature for me is having small steps in the volume control. Of the ones I heard that met both of these criteria, i liked the CP-700, Cary, and Simaudio. I was able to get a very good deal on the Classe so I went that route, though I could have been happy with any of the final three I mentioned. I find the classe to be incredibly smooth and easy to listen to, perhaps too polite if mated with Classe amps. The bass is not as deep as I would like but thats ok. Right now, I am intrigued by the Placette passive preamp and in the near future, I am going to give tube preamps one more listening to.

I hope this helps. Let me know if I can answer any additional questions.


System edited: Pictures added.


System edited: Last night I finally got around to placing my Pass amps on Sitrum SP1 amp stands. I have been avoiding doing this because I knew the hernia that awaits after I lift those amps. After too much sweat, grunting, and cursing my wife and I finally got them on the stands. The results? Pretty darn impressive. I noticed an improvement in soundstage depth and a bit more detail. I am pretty happy with the Sistrums and will be adding the speaker stands soon (after my back recovers, the Ushers weight almost 200lbs each!!! Yikes!)


Hey Islandear: always good to hear from another OC dude. Yes! All the beaches are too damn crowded, especially for my long board. I tend to go to Old Man's now a days. Once in a while I get up to Newport. I guess I am just becoming a grumpy, crusty surfer in my old age. Are you still in the OC?

As for the power issues...I dont know if I do or not. My house is only four years old. I did audition a PS AUdio P-500 this weekend for my front end components and the improvement was pretty nice. Everything sounded more clear, with a really black background. I also auditioned passive devices like the hydra 6 and did not hear nearly as profound a difference.

As for the XA160...I love those amps! I can say that least I am done with amps for a while. I can now focus on throwing my money at other things in my system. :)

Thanks for the message...
