
Getting to the point where my upgrade days are over (imagine an audiophile ever saying that!)

Room Details

Dimensions: 17’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Cardas Clear XLR
    Still the best balance between price and performance. I tried Beyond Clear and yes, they are better, but not enough to justify the price difference
    • PS Audio DirectStream DAC
    Wow, just wow... the DSC is just amazing. Modified with X4400 transformers and external power
    • PS Audio PerfectWave transport
    Great transport
    • Silversmith Fidelium
    Looks flimsy, but don't let the look deceive you. They add speed and depth to the low end that exceeds anything I've tried (and that includes some $10k speakers cables!), the midrange is ultra clear and pure, the highs as natural as they come. Somehow, they portray space better than my previous reference (Cardas Clear Beyond!).
    • Gryphon Diablo 300
    Went from separates to an integrated and took a MAJOR step upwards in sound quality. The Gryphon is truly a magical piece of equipment. Superbly neutral, low end drive that is intoxicating, and space-space-space! Height is limited to the recorded material, not the room, the side and back walls are non-existent. To say this is the absolute best of the best almost feels like an understatement.

    The phono module is on order to make it super easy and convenient
    • Wilson Watt Puppy 8
    Yes, a few years old by now, but still very much competitive and amazing. What keeps amazing me is the their ability to deliver big sounds, big soundstage, yet physically they never feel big in the room.
    • Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck
    Such a simple design. No on/off switch, just manually start the table by nudging it to spin. Truly organic sound and just feels "live".
    • Hana ML
    Really nice cartridge that is extremely well priced. Is it perfect? Probably not, but very much enjoyable and I'm in no way in a rush to change it
    • Stack Link II and Volt
    Added a dedicated streamer to the system and it opened everything up to a new degree. The clarity of the Stack is remarkable. Quite inexpensive for the quality and HIGHLY recommended
    • Roon Nucleus+
    Only used as a Roon Core; connected to the Stack via network only to minimize any kind of pollution.

    Works perfect and is super stable. A bit pricey for that it is, but convenience and stability is worth it.

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Anyone with Maggies, has more than a great start. You have assembled a nice system indeed. I have always loved the maggie 1.6 and one day may have a pair, to share time with my VSA jr's. Happy listening. Glen
