
Overall on the dark side, very relaxing, with great extension.

The room has now changed to a carpeted, soft furniture one, with the walls covered in books, and that makes a difference.

Components Toggle details

    • Oppo BDP 95
    Univeral player from Oppo.
    • NAD C-426
    • Quad 99
    • Quad 909
    stereo amp, 140 WPC 8ohm, 250 WPC 4ohm
    • Usher CP 6311
    floorstanding two-way
    • MIT AVT2
    bare wire amp end, spades speaker end
    • Signal Cable interconnect
    basic interconnect, CDP to pre-amp
    • MIT AVT 3
    interconnect, pre-amp to amp
    • Audioquest Sidewinder
    tuner to pre-amp
    • Tara Labs Prism
    interconnect TV cable box to pre-amp
    • PS Audio Plasma XStream
    power cables, one for the amp (ungrounded) and one for the CDP (grounded)
    • Furman Elite 15i
    power conditioner
    • Terk indoor antenna
    amplified FM antenna
    • VTI rack
    audio rack

Comments 33

Another suggestion would be to try and find a tube-staged CD player. Good tube CD players can be a bit pricey, but I'm sure you can find some options for less than $1k. There's a Jolida 100 here on Agon for $650 and comes with a built-in headphone amp.


I have had good experience with getting a 'warmish' sound from Rega CD players. Give them a listen. I would also echo the above with additions of area rugs and maybe some DIY room treatments you should be able to tame some of the less desirable sounds.


Hello Roc doc > very nice clean looking system!! > Those digital nasties, that's vibrations getting to your CDP, pre, and amp!!! Try isolating your gear the results might surprise you!!! > When I put AQ Sorbagel under my pre I was shocked by how much cleaner the sound became the leading edge hash (harsh digital sound) became minimal > You can try it relatively inexpensively on the Bay under Audioquest seller "dang-good-stuff" Hemisphere Big Feet 30 D > Some point under the CDP will help you hear what your CDp is capable of before spending $$$$$ I switched out a lot of gear before I learned this !!!


Not sure about the differences between the CD-P or CD-S models. I've only heard the Quad 99 CD-P that a friend had and it was very natural sounding with an excellent midrange. However, he had it hooked up to a Copland amp and was using a pair of Totem Arro speakers, so it must have been just a good overall match.


Thanks for the feed-back Hitman. So you think the Quad players are a good match? I had a 99 model, the one that only works with the pre-amp (no separate power or connector other than the Quadlink) and I did not much like the sound compared with this Sony, or even with a budget NAD player. True, I only used it for an hour or so, did not let it break in. Is the CD-P or CD-S significantly better? Free of the digital nastiness in high frequencies?


Hey Roc, nice clean looking system. If you're having a problem with "runaway" or "boomy" bass, would suggest putting in an area rug as a cheap sound-damper. Also, would suggest the Quad 99 CDP to go along with your preamp and amp. Although, it doesn't have a headphone amp.


System edited: the tuner was not in there for some reason, added it


System edited: added a pic. Crappy quality, taken with my iPhone, too lazy to open the big camera.


Showing 26 - 33 of 33 posts