
I am a recovering Audiophile just getting back into music after a few years off. This time around I want to focus on just enjoying the music instead of chasing every last ounce of decay, detail, air, etc of the music and spending more time analyzing the shortcomings of my system instead of just enjoying it. I also put myself on a strict budget to keep myself from going crazy like I did before (see my previous system) chasing the elusive dream of a perfect system.

I listen mainly to singer/songwriters, acoustic, and jazz so I wanted to put together a system that was above all else musical and able to capture the natural timbres of voices and instruments. Soundstage depth and focus is also important to me as this creates more of a sense of realism. With this system, I am able to literally listen for hours without any fatigue.

My room is rather small, 9x10x9 so setup is a bit challenging. I found that moving the speakers away from the front wall helped tremendously to increase soundstage depth and helped to bring everything into focus. There are large openings on the wall directly behind the listening position which is a great help in such a small room.

Future additions:

Sonus Faber Guarneri or Olympica I - I have really fallen in love with the SF house sound. This next speaker upgrade will be my last for a while.

Misc cables - I want to start experimenting with cables to see if I can get more minor improvements.

Thank you for reading! I look forward to any advice that will help me achieve my goal of creating a musical and emotional system (on a budget of course!).

UPDATE 05 April 2016

Added a REL T/5i sub.  WOW!  What a difference.  I am kicking myself for waiting so long to add a sub into my system.  Now I am thinking about adding a second one.  Maybe that would be overkill in my little room??

UPDATE 30 March 2016

Added the Mutec MC-3+USB converter to replace my old Musical Fidelity V-link.  The Mutec also acts as a signal reclocker too which has helped to smooth out the sound.

UPDATE 16 October 2014

Added GIK 244 panels along the midpoint of my sidewalls to deal with some bass issues and the first reflection points. Improved mid bass and clarity.

UPDATE 15 Aug 2014

Added RealTraps Mondo Corner bass traps. The overall improvement has been astonishing! I should have added these a long time ago!

UPDATE 12 Aug 2014

Added the Light Harmonic Light Speed split USB cable. This cable separates the data and power signals resulting in an incredibly lifelike and clear sound.

UPDATE 04 Aug 2014

Added Vicoustic Cinema Round panels at the 1st reflection points. One of the best upgrades I have ever done.

UPDATE 25 March 2014

Replaced my Acoustic Zen Silver Ref II interconnects with Tara Labs The 2 + HFX Ground Station. The sound is just as clear as the AZ but with more air and sense of organicness.

UPDATE 31 Jan 2014

Replaced by beloved Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor monitors with the Guarneri Evolutions.

UPDATE 15 Nov 2013

Added the Vicoustic Flexiwood 75 absorption panels for the front wall behind my speakers.

UPDATE 16 Oct 2013

Added the Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC cable for my Luxman D-06 CDP/DAC.

UPDATE 27 Sept 2013

Added a Keces DC-116 19V, 6A linear power supply for the music server PC.

UPDATE 09 Sept 2013

Added a PC based music server to replace a Sonos ZP90. Also added a Synergistic Research USB Active SE cable, Musical Fidelity V-link USB Converter.

UPDATE 27 Aug 2013

Added modded Synergistic Research MPC by Michael Spallone

UPDATE 16 Aug 2013

Added Stillpoints Ultra Minis under my PS Audio P3.

UPDATE 26 July 2013

Added the Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC cable for my PS Audio P3.

UPDATE 07 June 2013

Replaced by Musical Fidelity M6i with Accustic Arts Power 1 Mk2.

UPDATE 26 June 2013

Replaced my Musical Fidelity M1 DAC with a Luxman D-06 CDP with digital inputs.

Added the PS Audio Powerplant P-3 AC regenerator.

Room Details

Dimensions: 10’ × 9’  Small
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Sonus Faber Gauneri Evolution
    To me, great monitors that give me what I look for; musicality with lifelike reproduction of vocals and instruments.
    • REL Acoustics T/5i
    8" subwoofer.  Amazingly in my small room this little sub is able to go down to 20hz without any boominess.  I may just another one!
    • Accustic Arts Power 1 MK2
    Very transparent integrated amp. It almost sounds as good as it looks
    • Luxman D-06
    I use this mainly for its DAC but the CDP is great for times when I want to listen to a new CD without having to wait to rip it. The sound is relaxed and liquid, typical Luxman.
    • Tara Labs The 2 + HFX Ground Station
    Typical Tara Labs sound..very clear and airy.
    • CAPS Zuma
    Purpose built, silent pc based music server.
    • PS Audio Powerplant P-3
    AC regeneration device. This has brought my system to a new level. I am sorry I waited so long to add this.
    • HD Plex 300W ATX Linear Power Supply
    300W, 18A linear power supply for my music server. It definitely made the sound more clear, the highs linger longer, and the midbass more tight.
    • Tara Labs The One
    Very neutral speaker cable with a clear, clear, fast sound.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Bytes Digital Cable
    Another very good cable from Acoustic Zen. Detailed and clear.
    • Light Harmonic Light Speed SPlit USB
    Split USB cable that separates the power and data. The sound is incredibly lifelike and clear.
    • Musical Fidelity V-Link USB Converter
    Very good entry level USB converter.
    • Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC Cable
    Added for my PS Audio P3 AC Regenerator and CDP/DAC. I noticed a substantial improvement in clarity and reduction in noise.
    • Virtual Dynamics PC The Nite II
    I have tried all kinds of PCs but only Virtual Dynamics gave me more dynamics and body. I use this for my amp.
    • Oyaide Cryo'd Outlet R1
    Palladium plated outlet. Adds another level of clarity and resolution to the system. I use this for my DAC and transport.
    • Oyaide Cryo'd Outlet SWO-GX
    24K gold plated outlet. It gives some additional bass and body to the music. I use this for my amp.
    • Vicoustic Room treatments
    Absorption panel for the front wall behind my speakers and 1st reflections points. They look really nice and as well as also working good to tame reflections.
    • RealTraps Mondo Corner Bass Traps X 2
    These made a huge difference to the soundstage and bass in my system. Room treatments are key to making any system sound better. I ended up covering these in acoustic fabric to make them look a little better. Hopefully I succeeded.
    • GIK Acoustics 244 (Extended Range) Panels
    Added the 244 panels at the mid point of my side walls to deal with bass issues and first reflections.
    • HiFi Tuning Supreme Fuse
    I have found these fuses can sometimes make a nice little difference. In my Accustic Arts Power 1 int amp I heard more clarity and dynamics but in my PS Audio P3 AC regenerator I heard no difference. I have paid a lot more to get less (and sometimes worse) improvement.
    • Stillpoints Ultra Mini Footers
    Used beneath my PS Audio P3 the Minis added more clarity, focus, and sharpness to notes.
    • Michael Spallone Synergistic Research MPC Mod
    GREAT upgrade to diodes and caps which resulted in blacker background, better distinction between instruments, and highs which seem to linger just a bit longer. Very recommened
    • Minimserver Server
    Digital media server software
    • Mutec MC 3+USB
    USB converter + reclocker.  I think the reclocker really helped to smooth out the sound.

Comments 252

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That is a wonderful outcome Tboooe and confirms the importance of room and speaker interactions.


Here's an example, my 300b is an excellent SET and easily drives my speaker, I love this combo. I wouldn't suggest my SET as the best choice for your speaker however. It may be a good match but I'd feel that in your case the LM SET845 is the better option for reasons stated in earlier posts. Of course we'd all agree auditioning would be the optimal solution.


Hi John,
I understand your point and humor ( belatedly ). I'm a strong advocate of SET amplifiers but have always made a case for appropriate vspeakers. Tboooe's speaker was matched to the LM SET and the reviewer "raved" about the results. I thought that should have given Tboooe some level of reassurance. John I think the Fire Bottle KT 88 SET could mate very well with your particular speakers. Most probably the SF Evolution is a tougher challenge to drive than your speakers (educated guess).

I believe that in comparing the two amplifiers the transmission tube 845
with its required high voltage circuit design and very stout parts and built is likely the more suitable match for the Evolutions. Admittedly this is speculation and perhaps the Fire Bottle SET could be used. These 2 SET amplifiers are clearly designed and constructed Differently is what I was attempting to point out.


Hi John, Do I sound negative? Don't mean to be. Just being cautious as these two amps and speakers represent different scenarios rather than 1:1 replacements


I believe this amplifier you've chosen could work well with your speaker. I'm not nearly as confident of its pairing with Tboooe's Evolutions to be truthful.


I'm not so certain this amp is adequate for your SF Evolutions. The beauty of the LM 845 is the exceptionally robust design with stout transformers and power supply that will control your speakers. That's a different animal compared to a 12 watt KT 88. Not implying it's a bad amp at all, but is likely targeted for a different speaker than yours. That Line Magnetic amplifier is heavy and big for a reason.


When Dennis Had speaks of bass and dynamics I actually attribute these qualities more to power supply, transformer quality and the circuit driver stage implementation more so than output tube choice.


Hi John,
Congratulations on your new amplifier. What speakers will they be driving? This is the key determinant for a successful outcome. I'm not familiar with single ended pentode/ beam tubes as I am with DHT tubes. Given the builder involved(I assume he'll use good output transformers, these are essential) I suspect that you'll be happy with this amplifier. Please keep us informed.


The good news is speaker placement doesn't cost you anything ( other than a hernia, small price to pay for better sound LOL). It seems in your particular room that toe- in has yielded very impressive improvements.

I know there are other good SET amplifiers available but considering cost and performance the LM SET 845 appeared to be such a fine match for you. If I lived nearby I'd gladly help you get your speakers to that stubborn dealer so you could hear for yourself.


You feel better so all wasn't loss. Are you still interested in the Line Magnetic SET?


If you have the time and the inclination read the reviews of the Sonus Faber Evolution and the Line Magnetic 219 SET on stevehuff photo. com he is interesting to read.


Just take the speakers. They may not sound their best without the stands but the question you have is LM amp drive capability, that would be answered. Go for it.


Wow, that's an excellent idea! Those speakers are manageable enough to make it plausible. The main objective is to hear the amp drive the speakers, so the location doesn't matter. Once heard together it is either yes or no as far as a match. I can't envision a reason why your dealer could possibly object.


I suppose we have said about all that can be said. You talk as though your experience is the only valid one and disregard the other two owner's contrary opinions. But yes we can end this in agreement that home audition is desirable for Tboooe. Tboooe I'm interested to see how this opportunity plays out for you.



Daveyf recommends an ARC amplifier, it very apparent that he and I represent nearly polar positions, ARC amplifiers don't move me. It isn't right vs wrong but simply taste and objectives. He and I have assembled our audio systems in different directions which merely mirrors what we hear and respond to. If your taste tends to fall in line with his then I'd heed his advice and caution. My perspectives in contrast would be irrelevant and of no value to you.


Hi Tboooe,
Your question regarding SET compared to a push pull integrated amplifier, well I'll give it a try (obviously my own personal journey).
For roughly 15 years I used a variety of PP amps, el34, 6550, KT88 etc. I enjoyed them , some more than others. I've been using SET amps for over four years and there's no going back. No amplifier can " do it all" it just isn't possible, but what SETs excel at is what I find most important. Sheer natural tone of instruments and human voice, convey much emotion, soul, passion and life of music. Undeniable flesh and blood tactile presence, in summary =realism like I've never heard with other types of ampifiers.

Tboooe admittedly that's me and your hearing and perspectives could be different and lead you to a different conclusion. IMO a good quality SET is the closest imitation of live music believability I have experienced.
You hve to have the proper speaker for this to occur. Given Steve Huff's rave review it would seem you meet this criteria with your Evolutions and the LM 845 SET.


I specifically pointed out that Art Dudley used a Shindo amplifier. The LM SET is a different amplifier with larger output transformers and is a much heavier amp. Amplifiers of the same specified power rating can in practice have a wide perform gap. One amp could struggle with a speaker while the other drives it effortlessly, again, power supply and transformers matter greatly.

Tboooe has gotten strong assurances from Steve Huff and still he has lingering reservations. I understand that, we're very condition to fixate on the numbers specified for components and then question actual real practical use. Another point, what pleases one may not please another. I cited two Sonus Faber owners who are quite happy with SET s driving their

Daveyf I recognize your experience with different choices of SETs but I also acknowledge Steve Huff and Dongiovanni's very fine results as well. We all agree that an audition of this amplifier in Tboooe's system will settle all speculation.


One of the attributes of the Line Magnetic SET according to Steve Huff was the unexpected ease of driving the Evolution speakers at any volume level. In fact he said at low and moderate listening levels the amps were only using 1/10 to 1/2 watt( he even photographed the power meters as evidence). He actually pointed this out several times in his review, quite impressive, Steve wrote. There was never a time he felt the speakers were taxing the amplifier regardless of music genre or volume. Daveyf, he made that observation pretty clear I thought.
Tboooe what was your take on this point in the review?


Stereophile does provide comprehensive measurements. But really all you need to know to help you with determining amp-speaker matching is 1)load impeadance and degree of fluctution.The flatter the better.
2) Phase angle pattern/fluctuations.
3) Sensitivity measure at a given ohm (usally 4 or 8 ohms).
Other measurements re interesting but less important for amplifier matching.


Those measurements are found in Art Dudley's SF Evolution review for Stereophile, you can easily Google it. Yes, home audition tops everything if it can be arranged. If not I'd travel to the dealer and hear it personally with a speaker as close to yours as possible( load impedance and sensitivity). I think Art would have enjoy the speakers "even more" with the Line Magnetic amplifiers. He used Shindo amps which are very good but I think the LM has more grunt and drive copacity. The LM has noticeably larger transformers and is a heftier amp.


Stereophile found the Sonus Faber Evolution sensitivity to be 85.5 db. JA said however that the speaker's load, 6 ohms(nomlnal) and the phase angle s were reasonably benign and not difficult overall For a SET amplifier the load characteristics are more the determining factor than sensitivity in regards to a successful match. Sensitivity rating would determine the ultimate loudness (sound pressure) to be achieved with the amplifiers power until clipping is reached. I believe that the Evolution's load character coupled with the LM amplifier's strong transformers/power supplies is why the reviewer was able to have the success he wrote about. For SET amplifiers it's best to avoid speakers with steep phase angle graphs and wide fluctuating (and low lmpeadance) impeadance loads (ohms).


Thanks Tboooe.


Sorry for disrupting your system page.


"If the OP likes what he hears, then more power"
That's always been the point, it didn't work out for you and so you moved on ( as you should have if you weren't satisfied). Your experience wasn't duplicated by Dongiovanni nor the recent reviewer (Steve Huff) as they are both very pleased. It seems you expect other's outcomes to match yours, some will and some won't. I don't find that as hard to acknowledge as you seem to. Tboooe can just try and hear what happens, no harm in that approach. Steve Huff found the SET combo superior to previous systems in nearly every way, but again that's him. He also reviewed the LM 518 seperately and has further praise and admiration for the amplifier.
Charles, .


I looked it up to be sure I had the facts correct.
It was Dongiovanni who had a Pass Aleph 3 amplifier driving Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers. The Franks suited him remarkably well he reported back. I'd be the first to admit that this wouldn't be the case for everyone but it worked for him. He posted a follow up thread and was still pleased with his sound.


Hi Dan,
Daveyf and I have had friendly disagreement before on this topic. A guy in Spain had some Sonus Faber speakers and wanted to try the Coincident Frankenetein amplifiers. Some respondents said no way and some said give them a try. He purchased the Franks and said they were wonderful with his speakers and much preferred them to his Pass amp he'd been using. SETs can surprise in certain (not all) situations.


Hi Daveyf,
Of course! Some speakers due to their load characteristics would be better served by something other than a SET amplifier, any component has its limits of application. In this case Tboooe has much interest in owning a SET amplifier, specifically the Line Magnetic 518. He has reservations of its compatability with his speakers. Well, someone has the very same pairing and says unequivocally the result is outstanding!

This outcome should giveTboooe a lot confidence and assurance to at least give the amplifier serious consideration. The very stout LM 845 is very much capable of driving these Evolutions in the opinion of the happy reviewer. I didn't recommend my 300b SET amplifier which is fantastic for my speaker but wouldn't be I believe for the Evolutions.

For example I wouldn't suggest a low power SET for a Thiel, Magnepan,Sound Lab, Magico etc. These few examples (there are more) unlike the SF Evolutions wouldn't mate well driven by the 845 SET IMO.


Hello, well it really depends (how often is that the case? nearly always). Tboooe has expressed interest in a SET and this caught my attention, I honestly think he's going in the right direction. His interest in the LM 518 SET amplifier is a terrific choice, well thought of by those familiar with it. It's very solidly made and executed in design, quite attractively priced for true value and most important of all, it reproduces music in all its organic beauty (many amplifiers fail at this). At the very least it's worthwhile to hear it and make an informed decision. The Coincident Turbo 845 would an excellent choice based on brand reputation but is listed at 1500.00 more.
The LM 518 seems an exceptional buy that apparently is pure magic with Tboooe's Evolution speakers. If this is the case he'd be very happy for many years and avoid the amplifier merry go round.


Some poignant observations in Steve's review.
1) width and depth of the sound stage noticeably expanded.
2) Sound became more 3 dimensional and palpable.
3) Bass was controlled with pace and texture.
4) Very apparent overall sense of ease driving the speakers.
5) Much more emotion, connection and engagement with his music.
6) Superior sound even at lower late night listening levels.(very good sign, lots of amplifiers sound poor at low levels).

7) Much heightened sense of life, vibrancy and vocal-instrumental tonality.

I would attribute these improvements he noted to high quality transformers and power supply. That's why these LM amps are heavy and substantial physically. This is why they so easily control the Evolutions and as he said,drive them "eeffortlessly". Quality transformers are more important than a stated watt rating of power in many cases. His excellent results with this amp-speaker confirm to me the transformers and PS are of premium quality.


Hi Tboooe,
That review could have been written by me in regards to his experience of SET vs SS amps( maybe he's my lost twin brother? ) I know precisely where he's coming from. It all is really simply what type of sound do you want? He has had 5 different McIntosh amplifiers and our opinion of their performance is the same. Admittedly subjective, other listeners would vehemently disagree, it's how do you hear and what pushes your individual buttons. He and I obviously have the same buttons wired in identical fashion it sure seems.

I think he made it a point by several times repeating the power-watt issue. He wisely assume that for most audiophiles this is going to be the "sticking point", worrying about power output. So he's attempted to reassure by citing numerous examples, it's a tough sell for some audiophiles, no doubt.
Tboooe if I were in your position I'd travel if need be to hear and judge for myself. I believe that the Evolutions and LM 845 SET sound every bit as organic and wonderful just as he enthusiastically wrote.
Tboooe I don't know how you hear/interpret music, so what works for me may not satisfy you. Go and listen to them.


They're made in Ontario (Toronto area).


If you've seen this my apologies. Stevehuffphoto .com has a very interesting review of the SF Evolutions driven by yep, the LM 518! He loves the match and compares it with the Musical Fidelity Tri Vista 300 amplifier. He much preferred the LM SET, for sure you'll find this worth the time to read. Ok I'll leave you alone now. Best wishes.


Good choice! Another one is the Canadian company Coincident. They have a 845 SET integrated amplifier that's also a big strong bruiser with very good transformers and power supply. Makes a good comparison to the LM 518 you're looking at. Both use the 300b as the driver tube!


The LM 218 uses el84 as the output tube and the LM 219i uses the 845 (bigger transmission type tube). My gut (I could be off base) tells me the rugged and strong 845 tube would probably drive your Evolutions with more drive and control/authority. In addition this amp has serious transformers and a stout power supply. You can certainly learn more about these two siblings and compare them.


Often times people don't use as much power during most listening sessions as they think. A robust 845 SET amp has good headroom reserve as well. Much depends on listening levels, room size and music genre (to a certain degree). My typical listening volume is 75-80 db C-weighted range so with my 94 db speakers I'm usually using just 1/16-1/2 watt of power. So my 8 watt amp is just coasting along( and it sounds relaxed and unstressed). Even when I occasionally listen at 90-100 db it seems unperturbed. So it would seem a well built 25 watt range SET may be feasible if you don't blast you listening volume or have a hugh space to fill.


Hi John,
That Allnic has a good word of mouth reputation and is noted for having good drive and dynamics. If your speaker has a relatively benign load and no steep phase angles the Allnic is a possibility. Would your friend let you try it? You never know.


Hi Tbooose,
Hey, thanks for your kind comments. Yep the objective is to own the components that you'll love to listen to often and keep for many happy years. SET amplifiers can be a complete joy to own (with the proper speakers). I adore my 300b SET but it wouldn't be the best amplifier for your Sonus Fabers. However it is possible that a larger tube type SET could work well. For instance the 845 or GM 70 tube if built with high quality output transformers and power supply. These could be a reasonable alternative to a good push pull integrated amp you're considering, just a thought. Of course it goes without saying that an audition with your speakers would be ideal. Many people have spoken highly of the Line Magnetic SET particularly their 845, also the Melody line of SET 845 amplifiers. I wish you the best whatever you ultimately decide.


I enjoyed reading your speaker comparison and I for one appreciate your perspective and philosophical base. Most important you have to trust your ears and how you react spontaneously, this is a critical point, know what you like. Otherwise there's the temptation and risk to constant upgrade toward what exactly? I'm not implying that sonic gains aren't possible or a worthy goal but it can be that sometimes we don't fully recognize and appreciate what we already have. Admittedly this can become a very slippery slope where pursuing "better" sound supercedes really enjoying your music. By no means am I anti system improvement, but one should contemplate the reason or need to stroll down the upgrade pathway. I get the impression that you sincerely enjoyed the SF Auditors and felt content and involved with their contribution to music reproduction.
