
My 2 channnel Stereo rig resides in the basement.

Room dimension are 14x19. The speakers are 6 10 " apart setup in an equalateral triangle.

I have the speakers 3.5 feet from the front and back walls (back wall distance varies depending on where I place my listening chair)

The imaging is solid now I'm currently working on improving overall depth and soundstaging

The room acoustics in this room are quite complicated The room is a difficult layout with lot's of restrictions. GIK Acoustics room treatments have helped to even out the room nodes

but there is still quite a bit of tinkering left

Ideas/suggestions how to further improve the existing layout and performance is welcome !

Thanks for stopping by

Components Toggle details

    • Dodd Audio 120 Monoblocks
    120 Watt el34 Push Pull Design Upgraded with Chrome Finish
    • Ridge Street Sason LTD
    Musical epiphany right here
    • Exemplar Audio 2900
    Upgraded Siltech Wiring
    • Reality Cables Custom Shotgun
    Bi Wired Config
    • KCI silkWorms 1 metre
    Interconnects Amp to Pre pre to cdp
    • Lenco L-75 Jean Nantais with Upgrades
    Lenco L-75 in a Wooden Plinth with Audiomods Arm and Ortofon 2m Bronze Paul Hynes Phono stage

Comments 115

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Try throwing a thick blanket over the tv when listening.


If you have a laser light, use it to get the speakers crossed in front of you. Place the light on top of the speaker and toe it in until the light is 2 feet in front of you.
You can also try having the light (speakers toed out) from the rt. speaker point an inch or two to the outside of your right ear. Same with the left.
***Be careful not to look into the light***
The deHavilland is an excellent preamp.


Very nice set up!
The Lenco looks fabulous. Is this a DIY rebuild?
Which cart are you using?
Thanks and enjoy.
