
I want a system that makes me wan't to relax after coming home from work while listen to my records. It should be able to let me immerse into the music, let me forget about the playback equipment at all and transfer the emotion of music to the highest possible degree... Nothing more, nothing less. I think my actual system fits my needs the best way I can imagine. It's balanced in the best sense rather than having individual strenghts at the expense of others. I can listen to everything from Einstürzende Neubauten to Miles Davis to Stravinski. Over time I was going from Gryphon solid state gear to VAC and Paragon tube electronics (before that it was just HiFI) and finally I encountered Shindo/Auditorium 23, which told me one or more lessons what to expect from a system in regard of enjoyment and true musicality...not HiFi.

Components Toggle details

    • Laboratoire Verdier La Nouvelle Platine (A23 version)
    For me it's the ideal of a functional, solid, perfect sounding and gorgeous looking turntable.
    • Auditorium 23 Hommage T1
    The best / most satisfying step up transformer I encountered...ideal for SPU. Of all transformers I had (I had many) only the Kondo SFz was near the A23 Hommage. But the A23 T1 is more organic and coherent than the Kondo which seemed to appeal more through it's very high transparency and detail whereas the T1 is more about emotion without offering less in hifi-terms. I had several cartridges over time (Koetsu, Kiseki, couple of Benz's...) but finally came back to my simple SPU classic.
    • EMT 997 (Auditorium 23 version)
    Equipped with Shindo inner cabling. It replaced my beloved SME 3012R (which I still keep). It sounds significant more solid with music evolving from a darker backround. Together with the Hommage T1 transformer it also helped me to rediscover my simple SPU classic as a contiouns source of enjoyment...more than most other stuff I owned. I had different tonearms from Kuzma, Schröder, Audiocraft, SME, AT, Morch but the combination EMT + SPU is one of my favourite.
    • Ortofon SPU A
    It's the old 2 Ohm version not the actual reissue wich is different from the previeous A. I prefer this "simple" cartridge over all the Benz, Koetsu, Shelter, Kiseki...I had, because the SPU A sounds just right to me, emotion, energy, music with flesh and bones, yet delicate...the only thing is, you have to have a first class MC transformer to get the full magic with the SPU. Even on top class phonostages (my old Gryphon Orestes ltd.) it just sounds good, but not outstanding like on the A23 T1 transformer for instance.
    • Ortofon SPU A Reference
    The SPU Reference A has a Replicant 100 diamond tip in contrast to the SPU A classics conical tip. Also it runs with "just" 3g tracking force. All Hifi parameters are better than on the simple classic A but also musicality is somehow better. It does not sound as charming and dense in the mids compared to the classic but sounds more natural and clear. I also still have a classic A, therefore I can choose between the two depending on mood.
    • Shindo Laboratory Monbrison
    The Monbrison replaced my former Shindo Mazeris Bellevus, which has been an older model with output transformers. It took not even 5 min for the Monbrison to feel at home in my system. It is quite a step from the fantastic Mazeris Bellevus. My Monbrison is the old chassis version with output transformers, Arome MC step up transformers and full loaded with NOS parts...quite different from the actual Monbrison. A good set of tubes makes this great preamp even a little better...I use Genalex 6x4 rectifier, Mullard square getter ECC82 and others by Siemens / Mullard. I don't need "more" preamp.
    • Shindo Laboratory Palmer 300B
    Classic Shindo 300B SET design with Mullard CV181, CV593 and Cetron 300B. No oversized mega transformers, millions of capacitors here...It is stunning what a couple of highly musical watts can do, if used with the right speaker. The sound is just perfect with the Valencias. In contrast to it's small physics and modest power rating, these amps have enough slam to reproduce even modern music without any noticeable least with an super easy to drive speaker like the Valencias.
    • Shindo Laboratory Pavillon Rouge
    New family member...really exciting new amps. I'm "tasting" the differences to the Palmer 300B actually.
    • Altec Lansing 846b
    I was looking for a SET friendly loudspeaker and what I found was the Altec Valencia 846B sold from a thrift store. After cleaning and restoration they look and sound unbelievable good. I replaced the inner cabling with A23/Shindo wire and changed the org. caps, as recommend by Mr. Aschenbrenner of Auditorium 23. After listening a while with the Velencias it's rather hard to be satisfied with convential modern loudspeakers. The strenght of the Valencias is their top to bottom coherency, roomfilling presentation with nearly perfect detachment of music from the speakers itself, believable dynamics as well as their sense of flow and rythm. It's just a different energy in the room compared to moderately sized modern speaker with comparatively small and inefficient drivers. The slightly limited bandwith at both frequency extremes is only a weakness for people who tend to like bright and brash solid state systems and even if they don't go too far down into very low frequencies, the bass quality is the best I've heard yet from a 2- or more way system. Theres nothing I miss and nothing I wish to be different, while listening to music via the Valencias..very satisfying.
    • Lignolab - Norbert Gütte Die Bank
    It is hard to convey what difference a rack like the suspended Lignolab can make and how the whole performance of an already very good performing system can benefit, if you never experienced it with your own ears. Besides the acoustical benefits any tendency of my tonarm to jump out of the record groove if someone is walking nearby the turntable is gone completely. Now you can jump on the old wooden floor next to the turntable and the Platine Verdier is just playing on. Oh yes, the Lignolab looks gorgeous too.
    • Auditorium 23 speaker cable
    When I first tried this speaker cable on loan I was not immediately knocked over by spectacular bass, highest highs just made me focus on the right/important things in the music. After going back to my old (not inexpensive) cable, something was really missing. I bought 2x6m of Auditorim 23 green speaker cable then.
    • Auditorium 23 Interconnect
    All interconnects I use are from Auditorium 23.
    • Okki Nokki RCM
    The Okki Nokki replaced my old Nitty Gritty Recordmaster which did a good job in all the years. The ON is significantly more comfortable to use and also quiter and better looking, especially in white, with acrylic cover. The ON offers a lot for the money and is very solid (made in Germany too).

Comments 44

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Beutiful system there mate. Vinyl and Tubes; Bet it sounds really great. It looks to be a very nice listening environment also, where one can sit down with a glass of wine to listen to favourites or challenge the senses with music one hasn;t heard before. The Verdier Platine 'tables are getting more and more interesting to me -very well-engineered and owners seem to rave about them - a serious contender for me when it comes time to invest in a new 'table. And then the Audio Note KSL Pre -wow!
