
New system Gryphon Kodo speaker and Gryphon Mikado Signature CD player, Kalliope DAC, Pandora preamp, Mephisto stereo power amp.
Zensati Cilenzio power cables and interconnect, Seraphim interconnect/speaker cable, digital cable.

Room Details

Dimensions: 34’ × 17’  X large
Ceiling: 13’

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    Comments 11

    Hi CuongPham,

    I really like your system it is amazing.
    I have followed you many years.
    Now i will be at the 2019 Thailand Triode Fest at Chiang May.
    Ans i will be very happy if you agree to visit you.
    I will be showing the Great Plains Audio speakers at Thailand.
    I will be in Vietnam on the 21 and will stay for 5 days.

    Best regards and Congratulations for your system.


    Hi CuongPham,

    How come you moved from Mephisto Solo to Stereo?

    I am wondering to buy the stereo/solo amps? My speakers are 8 ohms and easy to drive.

    Let us know, please?




    Hi  CuongPham,

    You have a Great System.
    I have been looking at your system since many years ago.
    It would be great to listen to your system.
    I will be traveling to Bankok on January 2019.

    Best regards.



    Well done, would love to hear it.

    I live in Binh Duong.


    Fantastic system enjoy the music!


    you have too much money. how about loaning me some to pay my doctors so i can keep my stereo? LOL 
    simply amazing setups. excellent looks and flow of the room.


    Where are the turntables!


    Hello Cuongpham,

    Thanks!  I am sure it sounds outstanding.

    I never heard Zensati Seraphim cables. I will try to hear them in my system.




    Always stunning systems! Congratulations!


    Hello VN101606.
    Yes, now I using power amplifier Mephisto stereo for twin tower loudspeaker - mid bass/mid/high with 22 drivers share the workload from 200 Hz to 25 kHz because each Gryphon Kodo bass tower houses a built-in Gryphon power amplifier capable of 1,000 Watts continuous output into the drivers. For ultimate headroom, peak power is approximately 4,000 Watts or 4.5 horsepower.

    The equipment includes:
    - Mikado Signature CD Player, using Zensati Seraphim power cord.
    - DAC Kalliope, using the Zensati Seraphim power cord.
    - Pre amplifier Gryphon Pandora, using two Zensati Seraphim power cords.
    - Power amplifier Mephisto Gryphon, using two Zensati Silenzio power cords.
    - Gryphon Kodo speakers, using two Zensati Angel power cords.
    Signal cable and speaker cable include:
    - Zensati Seraphim Special digital from CD Mikado Signature to DAC Kalliope.
    - Zensati Silenzio interconnect from DAC Kalliope to Pre amplifier Pandora.
    - Zensati Seraphim interconect from Pre amplifier Pandora to Power amplifier Mephisto.
    - Zensati Seraphim interconect from Pre amplifier Pandora to Power amplifier in the Kodo bass speaker tower.
    - Zensati Seraphim Speaker cable for twin tower - mid bass/mid/high



    Hello Cuongpham,

    Your system looks great!   I look forward to you listing all components you are currently using.

    From the photo, it looks like you moved from using a pair of Mephisto Mono to using a single Mephisto Stereo. Is is correct? If so, why?




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