
so following a flood that destroyed the denon setup that was passed down from my father I found myself with a new and ever growing addiction.

It's as the title states a work in progress.

the speakers are of the original setup, everything else is new.

looking to stick with the champion through to the level II

eventually a stradivari

pre/power separates.

dreaming of a custom wavelength pre/usb/dac/headphone amp combo

pass power amps

legacy focus or wilson watt puppy

maybe even MBL 101E

i said dreaming...

I'm new to this world and i like it but i know i've got a lot to learn and more to hear

Components Toggle details

    • Clearaudio concerto
    • Clearaudio Unify 9
    Picks up everything. Needs to be mounted to a mountain to avoid hearing people in the room walking through your speakers (but my shelf fixes that)
    • Clearaudio champion basic (black)
    someday i'll get to level II
    • EAR 834P
    mm/mc w/NOS telefunkens and a mullard thrown in for good measure (and liquid sound)
    • audio metallurgy GA-0
    great deal for beautiful sound
    • Wavelength Audio BRICK USB/DAC
    amazing tube powered unit that blows everything i've heard out of the water
    • Melos SHA-1 gold
    pretty great. Best I've had thus far. Too much buzz, though I reduced this by building a further enclosure for the transformer
    • AKG k701
    With RAL silver cable...
    • revelation audio labs cryo silver
    open and clear
    • Bel Canto Design m300 (Rawson clone)
    Huge, clear, open. Clean. A little loss in certain details but when the trade off is a massive open music hall, I'll take it.
    • revelation audio labs cryo silver
    havent heard 'em yet (still building my new room)
    • Dahlquist DQM-9c
    older but lovely and loved
    • Mine XJ6
    I'm looking to upgrade my basic to a magnum but with my homemade TT shelf I see no need to go to a level 2

Comments 3


Thank you. Things have changed. So have my dreams for the future. The Dahlquists are still in play, with new caps, and the bigger DQM 9s are getting their woofers rebuilt. After a breakup i've been divorced from my setup for nearly 6 months. And have taken the time to go hear whats out there. I see Focal, Harbeth Lamm and EAR in the future!
Thank you for you comments.


System edited: Majors changes. Major gains, and more to come. Building a new room. Designing (and building) new furniture, room treatments and wall finishes. I've been told you should love people not things, but this is true love.


Keilschmeil, Yours is truly a "real world" system; honest and simple. Your pic with the speakers on cinder blocks is one of the most moving I've seen on Agon. For me it captures the "never say die" element of the passionate audiophile.

You've lost some sentimentally precious gear from your father. I'm glad the speakers survived for you. You may want to hang on to them a long time, not just for emotional gratification but as a reminder years down the road, when you have reached authentic HiFi status, of what humble beginnings you had in the hobby.

I'm sure with perseverance and work you will obtain your dream system. However, do not get hung up on your particular list. Let it be flexible, adaptable as time goes on. There will always be fantastic used equipment available so take advantage of it. The more you hear the more your preferences and tastes will change in regards to equipment, so it's likely your rig and dream list will change over the years.

Many have experienced setbacks to their rig. Keep the faith and keep working on building yours. The joy is in the journey, as they say.


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