
Simple two-channel system + home theater set-up. Just acquired the Eggleston Andras (2007 version) and McIntosh MCD201. Running without the lens or outboard DAC for now, though I wonder how things would sound with the Uther, Audit/Tactic and lens front end. Townshend seismic sinks throughout, as well as Chang powerline filters. 'Tis bliss for now...

Components Toggle details

    • Spectral DMA-90
    This amp swayed me from tubes.
    • Eggleston Works Andra
    No introduction needed!
    • PS Audio perfect wave
    Best transport I have ever heard.
    • PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC
    In silver. Absoluely trounces the Uther mk. 4 in terms of sheer musicality, aesthetics, dynamics, air, pitch coherence--you name it. Mr McGowen has shown, once again, why he is in top form as an audio engineer and deserves recognition as such.
    • MIT 350 Spectral UL reference
    1 meter RCA's
    • MIT MH-770 Twin with CVT
    • Chang Lightspeed 3200
    Use these throughout the system
    • Kimber Powerkord
    used throughout the sytem
    • Townshend Seismic sink
    Under the amp, transport, and power supplies
    • Illuminations d60

Comments 19

Nice speakers, those are sick looking. I always loved that brand. Your post says you have a PS Audio Perfectwave DAC. If it is the MKI I just bought a brand new MKII for the purpose of Upgrading to the Direct Stream. This approach save me a couple thousand dollars but more importantly I now have a Full / Prefect brand new kit to upgrade for a MKI to a MKII for cheap. Let me know if you have the MKI and are interested upgrading to a MKII I will sell the kit cheap. Thanks


Nice system.


Sorry the stale reply-I assume that the andras are sold. Hope you enjoying your Theils. I have heard a few models and they have not been to my taste. But that is what the hobby (or passion) is all about. Tastes, preferences, room and associated equipment. All add up to variables that lead to your sonic nirvana! Cheers.


Do you know anyone that might want to buy my Eggleston, which I bought like you did in 2007. They're in mint condition and I have the original crates and all the paperwork.

Let me know thanks


Mjcmt: Not in my experience. I am using a Spectral DMA90, rated at 100 watts a side. Even with orchestral works, HRX or DVD-A discs on my front end (PS Audio PW transport and PW DAC), I get the fullest enjoyment from my system that I think is possible for my rig/room and generally possible with music reproduction in general. BTW, Eggleston was still selling original Andra 1's out the back door (when I bought mine in 2007 anyway)due to demand and the opinion that, for some, the later iterations of the Andra did not neccessarily improve on the original. On the contrary, some believe that they went the wrong way. This, after the departure of Bill Eggleston when he lost his own company to major shareholders, as I understand it, and was not at the helm for consult or input on redesign.


I've always admired these speakers since there release in the '90s, and have wanted to know if they require powerful amps to sound their best.


Let me know how it goes. I still have the audit/tactic and have the PWT/PWT and am also expecting a wadia 170i (mostly for my wife).


I just saw you thread from 9 years ago about the Lens with the Audit/Tactic boxes. I had the same combo with two DTI Pro 32's mixed in.

I plan to get a PWD and try the Audient boxes along with it.



Thanks gadmanrdh. The Andra's are, w/out question the best speakets that. I have had the pleasure of owning and listening to, IMHO. They are on loan to a friend for now given my smaller listening space. I now have a perfect wave and just acquired a pair mod Proac 2.5's for my main speakers. I am hopeful that I will have a larger space inthe not so distant future, and can get the Egglestons back into the system.


Thanks gadmanrdh. The Andra's are, w/out question the best speakers that I have had the pleasure of owning and listening to, IMHO. They are on loan to a friend for now given my smaller listening space. I now have a Perfect Wave and just acquired a pair of Proac 2.5's as my main speakers for my new limited floor plan. I am hopeful that I will have a larger space in the not so distant future, and can get the Egglestons back into the system. Thank you for your comments.


Getting started? I'd say you are well beyond that. Love the speakers-I've always wanted to hear the Eggies. Congrats.


System edited: AH....the joys of divorce. And no longer having a dedicated listening room. Next step will undoubtedly be the Perfect wave transport.


Thanks for feedback on my system, Pummill and Marc. I have a long way to go to suss out the room and any further tweaking I might be able to do. Marc--is the thing on the 28th at Morrow Audio? I have gotten an e-mail or two on this. I hope to be able to make it. And, I hope to be able to host a listening session at my place with everyone at some point soon. In the mean time, have a great holiday and happy listening. Tim


Great looking system and I bet sounds sublime and sweet would like to hear it sometime. Are you going to make the meet at Mike's on the 28 of Dec. ? This would be a good chance to meet a few of us. We all had a great time at the last meeting there. I am trying to put together something for late Jan. or early Feb. more to follow soon. I am always up for a visit from club members just email me. Marc


Looks like you need to host the next Cincy get together. Very nice system. I would love to hear it!! Happy Holidays!!


I am incredibly fortunate and pleased to be rediscovering my music collection after 4 years of having no system. I have recently moved and have a suitable (though far from ideal) listening room, something our last home lacked entirely. The recent acquisition of a pair of 2007 Andra's and a McIntosh SACD/CD player with variable out, along with my Spectral DMA90 and MIT MH770 bi-wire twins (which I kept from my previous system) and I am running once again. Comments welcome.


System edited: Just acquired the Andra 1's and the MCD-201 after not running for several years. Can't wait to settle in and listen again!


I agree. I just think it is time to check into some other options. I am looking to spend up to about 2k, this should get a transport that will be a formidible addition to the system. Are you running a Lambda?


don't part with it...its a classic


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