
I wanted to capture the old sound, but then I should add a TT, no?

Computer is so convenient, and we can stream endless music! Not even kings had that just a quarter century ago!

I don't know if this sight works outside of S. Korea, but is very affordable -

If not, I would recommend unless you are into HD downloads.

The sound is acceptable, but little too sharp and annoying on string music. I have a McIntosh, a NAD monitor series, and an Onkyo Integra pre amps - should I try those?

Would that be an ugrade? I would have to do a major rearranging, so here I am asking this...

How can I make it more liquid and smooth? so I can listen to it at length without a listening fatigue...

What component would you replace?

Thanks for looking and the voice of experience...

Components Toggle details

    • Marantz 2250B Receiver
    Using it as a pre only.
    • Quad 405-2
    The improved 2 version. Pseudo class A - not quite as good, but listenable exciting sound, with a pleasant presentation.
    • Ixos Gamma RCA
    Transparent and liquid.
    • Ixos Gamma 13
    Transparency is improved by the twisted design.
    • HRT Music Streamer II
    Perhaps the best $150 solution to sound card upgrade (USB DAC)

Comments 2

Darn the McIntosh is broken I think - the sound doesn't come on 'til I fiddle with the vol. knob ...I am tired of expensive classic gears breaking down on me - I am going to go modern from now on - Perhaps an emotiva stuff or the class T ones...

I made changes to the system and now sounds better - the sharp edgeness is gone. I changed the speakers to NHT, and took out the Quad - just listening to the Marantz. That gives the nice dark serious presentation I like, which goes well with classical, me thinks...

Wonder if I should put in different speakers I have since the speaker change did wonders for the sound:

Paradigm Studio 100
Energy Veritas Floor Standers

I also listen to pops, jazz, country, and female dance music.

I am pretty happy with the sound now though.

Thanks for looking... Feel free to offer help with advices.

Happy listening to all.


first, insert the McIntosh into your system.


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