
The Cary Audio Six Pacs provide 50 watts of push-pull tube power which is more than enough to drive the 92db sensitive Triton R1's especially since the speakers each come equipped with a 1600 watt, class D amp to drive the woofers. The Beresford Switch allows me to easily switch to my SS Classe amp for a change of pace without having to mess with cables. The homemade diffuser panel covers my flat screen TV for listening and is removable for viewing. I rigged up a switch box that allows me to read the bias on each mono block by simply pushing a button. Secondary equipment hides behind a homemade removable screen to tone down the industrial look. Pretty satisfied with it all.

Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 13’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • AES Cary Audio Six Pac Monoblocks
    • AudioQuest Water Interconnects
    • DYI Bias Switchbox and milliamp meter
    • Classe Audio Model Fifteen Stereo amp
    • PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamp
    • Beresford TC-7210
    Amplifier/Speaker Control
    • XTZ CD-100 Devine
    CD Player
    • Bluesound Node 2i
    • Schitt Bitfrost 2
    • Morrow Audio SP4 Speaker cables
    • GoldenEar Technology Triton R1 Speakers
    • DYI Diffusion Panel
    Covers TV (removable)
    • Acoustimac 2" Sound Panels
    • Furman SS-6B surge strips (2)
    • IsoAcoustics Gaio 2
    Isolation pucks under speakers attached to homemade base plates

Comments 3

I like your full room photo of your audio den. Very inviting...just makes me want to listen to music there.


Really nice setup and nice to have the tube/SS option! And comfy looking room too.


Nice looking system. Thanks for posting. I used to have a pair of Triton 2+ speakers which I thought sounded very nice in my smallish listening room. I bet your R1s sound great with tube electronics. 

I've since moved my system into a bigger room and decided I wanted to try my hand at DIY, so no longer have the GoldenEars. Enjoy your excellent system. 


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