
This system has been assembled over the past three years.

Recently built 3 bass traps, the 'healthy' versions, based on Jon Risch's design. These traps really did a lot for the room acoustics - I plan on building more.

Check out more photos and descriptions of my system on my website:

Components Toggle details

    • Dynaco Mark IIIa
    This is a pair of Dynaco MKiii amps that have been completely rebuilt by Craig over at Everything was replaced except for the chassis, power supply, and tube sockets. He uses his own board, and unique design. Just got them back, but am loving them.
    • Conrad Johnson PV-5
    Never even considered upgrading this piece. In a weird way, it is the heart of my system. It belonged to a close friends father, who past away some years ago. I suppose there is the emotional attachment as well.
    • Oracle Audio Technologies Delphi
    Sounds as nice as it looks. Using an Sumiko PT-4 tonarm and a new Sumiko Blue Point cartridge. Has spiked feet as well, resting on little sorbogel pucks.
    • Rega Planet
    Weird little player, but it gets the job done. Plan on upgrading to the Planet 2000 soon. Bought this from an economics professor at Columbia. He had this tiny apartment, with this tiny room, with a very nice stereo.
    • PS Audio P-300
    The entire premise of this unit is just so funny to me - but it really works! I use it daisychained between 2 Richard Gray units.
    • Cement blocks and Maple boards diy
    Nothing says 'stereo' like a few cement blocks and large maple boards. I hate furniture, so these work great for me.
    • Vandersteen 2c
    I love the Vandy's. People tend to fall into two camps with these - love em or hate em. I bought these out of the back of someone's trunk in Brooklyn.

Comments 22

I enjoy looking at your system, it's not unlike my 1st system. Vandersteen 2C--Dyna Mk. III--Audible Illusion 2D pr--Sota Star Sapphire ww/ Alphason arm--PS Audio Lambda transport--PS Audio Ultalink DAC. This system was late 80's to 90's. I gave up on the Dynas because back then there were no parts, they did sound good though, miss them.


A very inviting room and system. That's some impressive looking iron on those Dynaco MK II's!

Nice job, and enjoy, regards,


Nice job! There's just something about your room that looks extra inviting....All you need now is a remote for the PV-5 so you never need to leave the chair.

Has the pv-5 been modified in any way? I love the way my pv-5 sounds but wonder what an et-3se or premier 17 may sound like.


I can upon your system after seeing it years ago. I love the layout and what looks like midwestern bungalow livingroom. Looks comfy and a good musical envioronment.

Did you have a Dynaco PAS3 at one time and switch to a CJ PV5? If so what are the assets of each preamp? I'm looking for a tube pre w/ phono for my first involvement into LP playback since 1970. I have an SuperAmp2 tube power amp, Technics TT/Ortofon cartridge and now need a pre. Please compare for me.


Hi Dan,

Just stumbled onto your system, and have to say it looks great! I have since acquired a PV-5 myself, and love the sound, especially the phono! Gotta love the blocks and wood boards...its just so basic to assembling a neat and good sounding system...Congrats and enjoy!....Ken


System edited: New photos. Just finished building DIY bass traps, based on Jon Risch's design. What a difference. Also added new cables, an enhanced turntable setup, and got rid of some Richard Gray equipment.


Remember that paint covers a multitude of sins.
When we move soon, I am going to get pre formed concrete pads/footers, paint them with epoxy paint, and set them on cones for an amp stand. They are denser than cinder blocks.


I can honestly say, I never considered painting cinder blocks. Right not, I am tryng to keep a very minimalist setup. We will probably be moving in the next year, and once I am settled in to the new place, I want to build some custom isolation stands. I like the cinder blocks, but they are temporary. Also, they have a low wife acceptance factor!


Must sound smooth and inviting, especially in a intimate room like yours.

Have you ever considered painting your cinder blocks with an epoxy paint (not white or black)? Would look kind of arty in a 70's sort of way.


System edited: New photos - new Dynaco amps, new Oracle turntable.


System edited: I just got an Oracle Delphi Mk i turntable with a Sumiko Premier FT-5 tonearm. So far I like it a lot - a nice improvement from the Rega. Still need to spend the weekend fine tuning it. Next week I have a pair of rebuilt Dynaco MK iii amps arriving. Its a good month for audio!


Thanks David (Soundnote). The Dynaco's are just about to be redone - the person I have working on them had some medical emergency in his family, so the project was delayed a couple months. Back on schedule now - I hope to have them by September.

I hear you with the whole balance thing, and I agree. I tend to enjoy shopping for new gear, so I try to put road blocks in front of my consumeristic tendencies.

I don't live in Brooklyn - but northern New Jersey. Thanks again for the comments. When we move, I plan on building a dedicated room from the ground up. Quiet AC system, electrical, and of course, room acoustics. We'll see!


Hi Dan,
I absolutely love your system. It's so clean, well thought out and to the core. I can't imagine how someone couldn't enjoy the music in this system and the room as well.
How is your Dynaco project going? Have you restored it yet?
Okay, you said before in your answer that you are planing the hide the gear or not displaying them and just be lost in the music instead of constantly worshiping the gear. Well, I agree with you on being lost in the music and not thinking about anything but you can also appreciate(not worship) the beauty of the equipment that provides you the music. I think there is a balance somewhere one can maintain without going extreme for either side. Besides, can you really give up the beautiful glow of the tubes?
Anyway, enjoy the music and your system.
Almost forgot, do you live in Brooklyn?


Thanks Luminoxworld. I placed a thin layer of craft foam between the cement blocks and the wood. Nothing to secure them, but it is rock solid. The wood is very heavy. I hate furniture, so this works out nicely. Want to create some custom sandboxes once we move. The idea is to not be displaying the equipment. Would prefer to be lost in the music than constantly worshipping the gear! Thanks again!


Nice job on the setup. I like your component rack. It looks good and is clever. It looks like you have 4 concrete blocks. Are the wood pieces sitting freely on the blocks or have they been secured somehow? I would think it would be unstable if sitting freely. Once again "Nice Job".


Nice setup!
since you already have a mac at your listening position, adding a SB2 front end will br very easy and you will have a very nice UI to control ALL your music! You should really consider...


Thank Shersta. Before the 17wpc Fishers, I had an old Hafler DH200. There is no difference in terms of the bottom end, the Hafler gave a much fuller sound. But the soundstage and realism of the Fishers really won me over. I have a pair of Dynaco Mark iii amps that are being completely redone and modded, so at 60 wpc, they should make a huge difference. You can check them out at: . I like the Ginko - I got mine for a great price (it has a bit of aesthetic damage) and bought directly from the owner of the company, who auditioned them for me in his home. They certainly improved the sound, making up for some of the severe shortcomings of the Rega turntable. The thing has no isolation to it. The ginko looks really nice too - the turntable seems to be floating on it. If you are strictly interested in the isolation effects, and don't care about aesthetics, I think you can get most (if not all) of the effects on a cheap DIY mechanism, like the one's you find in the Tweaks section of Audioasylum . That said, if you have a little bit of spare cash, the ginko's are well made and look great.

And in terms of the power conditioning gear - I bought each piece thinking I will try it out and then just resell it, but I like them so much, they end up staying! Also, my wife doesn't seem to mind, so who am I to argue.

Thanks again for the feedback!


Nice setup. You're right, you did go a little nutzo with the power conditioning stuff (relative to the cost of the rest of your gear), but it sounds like you've got the bug pretty bad, and that's the kind of stuff you can use as you move up the food chain. I have vandy 2ces myself and have a hard time imagining that 17 wpc is doing them justice. Tubes are great, but if you get a chance, you should try to swap in a smooth sounding 100wpc solid state amp like a Conrad Johnson to hear what happens. I've been thinking about biting the bullet on a Ginko stand. What do you think about yours?


Thanks Skushino! I certainly did try to keep on a budget with the system - but it is also the result of a lot of serendipity. Just the right timing on things coming my way. Lots of upgrades coming, but one at a time as to not overdo it. I checked out your system, very impressive!


Killer system! Whether your equipment selection is the result of budget or seeking something unique, it is really nice to see something a little different than the mainstream. It has alot of personality and attitude. Super cool.


Thanks Albert. I should really post a photo of my records as well. I love all my music, but I hate having to store it! I like the idea of high quality MP3's - but then, I am a vinyl lover at heart.


A very attractive room, comfortable, homey and inviting with its soft color scheme. I can imagine relaxing in that chair and drifting off into the musical void.

You're obviously music lover judging by the large collection of software near your listening chair. Congratulations !


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