
This is my "B" system. The components are good  (most all purchased used) and sounds good + but not great as the room needs and will get serious treatment. Room 20x30x12.5 feet.

Components Toggle details

    • LUMIN Lumin AMP
    Found used on Agon
    • LUMIN X1
    Found used on Agon
    • Cardas Audio Clear Beyond XLR
    For Lumin AMP to Lumin X1...found on AGon.
    • Klipsch Klipschorn AK6
    Found new/used on Agon! Wee Ha
    • Network Acoustics Muon
    Muon and muon cable. Instant results.
    • English Electric 8Switch Ethernet Switch
    • Entreq Ground box w/ cable
    • Townsend Audio Co. Seismic Corners
    Big Room.. no vibrating the equipment. Yes they help. YES
    • UpTone Audio JS-2 Linear Power Supply
    For switch
    • Puritan Audio Labs PSM 156
    In my other system I have a Niagara 7000. I compared the PSM 156 and could hear no difference. YMMV but....

    In the wall with their own 20AMP circut
    • Kinki Studio Earth Speaker Cables 4M
    These are silver plated OCC. With the Khorns a very good combo.
    • Audio Sensibility Signature <Lumin X1> Silver DC Cable

Comments 13


@danager Thanks!  One system is in a bit of a north light photo/audio hang out. So then, when in the room, that system is on. 

The other is in the house and that has the fancy bit's in the den as well as a whole house, plain crackers, system (that works most of the time). 

Each place has a chair but the den is more of a hangout where as the other finds me on my feet moving around or working on a computer, pushing pixels at other end from sweet spot.

They sound diffract. The Khorns (and they are in an echoish room) sound is growing on me, The horns are in use as I did not want speakers in the way out space I want to have use of. Den sound is sublime.


@danager Thanks!  One system is in a bit of a photo/audio hang out. So then that system is on.  The other is in the house and has the fancy bit's in the den as well as a whole house, plain crackers, system that works most of the time. Each place has a chair but the den is more of a hang where as the other finds me on my feet or working on a compute at other end from sweet spot.


@danager Thanks!  One system is in a bit of a photo/audio hang out. So then that system is on.  The other is in the house and has the fancy bit's in the den as well as a whole house, plain crackers, system that works most of the time. Each place has a chair but the den is more of a hang where as the other finds me on my feet or working on a compute at other end from sweet spot.


On second look, too happy to be Amityville horror; the wall is smiling at me.


WOW just WOW!

How would you compare the two systems?  When you want to listen how do you decide which chair to sit in?


@mclinnguy I am the Amityville Horror? 



@ natev305 The AMP after a whole lot of hours get warm but "hot" no. I do not have a P1 but rather the X1.  Sometime the AMP is on for days, It did overheat once.
The Lumin folks are very helpful, why not reach out to them?


Hey Wsrrsw,
Beautiful collection of components. But I am looking at your picture named "the works", and I don't know, have you seen The Amityville Horror? 


Hi Wsrrsw,

Just added a LUMIN amp (had the P1 already) to try vs my mcintosh ma7900.
i am curious to know if yours runs very hot? I am running the P1 XLR to a Mcintosh Men 220 (room correction/crossover) and from there to the Lumin AMP via XLR.....speakers the B&W 804D4's. Subs handle anything below 45hz.
Do you run the P1 on normal or low analog output level? 
My AMP has gone into protection twice after just 2+ hours of low level listening....not sure if the men220 isnt playing well with Lumin or if they just run super hot.....which i doubt.
Thanks in advance.


Jond.. If only streaming (no other inputs) and using a Lumin then the AMP has synergy just like it was designed to have. They come up used and that's how I got both the AMP and X1.

dj It's monstrous...Thanks...someday after room treatment it will be a tame monster.


@jond If only streaming (no other inputs) and using a Lumin then the AMP has synergy just like it was designed to have. They come up used and that's how I got both the AMP and X1.

@dj It's monstrous...Thanks...someday after room treatment it will be a tame monster.


Looks like a fun system to listen to. Lots of room for those K Horns !!!!  Thanks for posting


Really interesting system I didn't know Lumin made a standalone amp. And nice looking Khorns.


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